Find Your Niche: Building Your Career Foundation

Building the Foundation for Your Career

Chad Twaro profile picture
by: Chad Twaro
Originally Published: September 14, 2023

Construction metaphors are a popular way to describe the process of building anything worthwhile, and creating a lucrative career is no different. You begin laying a solid foundation by choosing the career path you wish to take, acquiring the necessary credentials (education, skills, certification, etc.), and earning an entry-level position or internship. Once you start working, you gain a reputation that can help your growth potential through technical and soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. Career growth typically follows as you get more experience and show aptitude in your profession.

Today’s guest on Find Your Niche: A Career Podcast, Grant Bucher, built his construction career through that foundational work. He earned an engineering degree at Purdue University and leveled up his credentials by picking up his MBA from Indiana. During that time, he worked his way up the ranks with Shambaugh and Son, beginning as a summer intern while he finished his bachelor’s degree and eventually becoming a project manager before moving on to Weigand Construction. He joins host Lori Cole to discuss:

  • How to become a construction project manager
  • What a typical day looks like in construction project management
  • What qualities he looks for when hiring someone to join his team
  • How he pivoted into launching a political campaign


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Listen to the full episode for more information on construction careers, and subscribe to Find Your Niche: A Career Podcast for more career advice. You can also find additional content on our YouTube channel!

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