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    Boost Your Law Firm’s Productivity Throughout the Client Lifecycle with Legal Automation

    Boost Your Law Firm’s Productivity Throughout the Client Lifecycle with Legal Automation

      If you’re like most lawyers at small or mid-sized firms, you spend a significant portion of your days feeling torn between the billable tasks that pay your salary and the administrative work that makes your billable hours possible. 

      Administrative tasks—such as communicating with clients, sharing documents, and collecting payments—are critical to running a successful practice, but they can also be repetitive and time-consuming. It can sometimes feel like a lose-lose situation: doing those tasks cuts into your productivity, but not doing them also interrupts your workflows and can ruin the client experience. 

      But with automation, you can turn the situation into a win-win in record time.

      What is automation?  

      Legal automation is a process in which a software program manages the execution of many administrative processes, including: 

      • Designing workflows 
      • Communicating with clients 
      • Tracking billables 
      • Generating documents 

      Long story short: if you have a repeatable process, it can most likely be automated. Legal billing. Document assembly. Marketing. These are just a few areas in which you can incorporate automation. And when these processes run in the background as you do the billable work, your firm can better focus on delivering a superior customer experience across the entire client lifecycle. 

      What is the client lifecycle? 

      Frequently used in traditional business settings, the client lifecycle concept can help law firms understand how they find and build loyal client relationships.

      Client Lifecycle

      here are five steps in a client lifecycle: 

      • Lead identification and conversion 
      • Client intake 
      • Matter management 
      • Billing and collections 
      • Matter conclusion 

      Each step in the client lifecycle represents a key touchpoint in your client’s journey. If you maximize your performance at each touchpoint, you’re more likely to end up with a happy client and a healthy relationship. 

      You’ll also end up with a more productive law firm, capitalizing on opportunities and developing efficient workflows tailored to each stage.  

      How to use automation at each stage of the client lifecycle 

      The legal sector has been slower to automate its delivery chain than other industries. 

      There are some valid concerns around trusting software to handle the nuances of a legal case, but most legal professionals who use automation programs like Rocket Matter become converts when they realize how much time and effort it can save them. 

      Here are some ways to improve productivity and efficiency by automating tasks for each step in the client lifecycle. 

      1. Lead engagement 

      Law school isn’t exactly known for its top-notch marketing classes—and when time is money, it can be hard to spend those precious minutes and hours on people who may or may not choose to work with you. Automation—specifically, marketing automation tools found in your legal client relationship management software—can save you time while staying top of mind with leads.  

      While a personal touch is always the best type of outreach, you can use automation to engage leads and help move them further down your sales funnel. 

      For example, drip campaigns are an impactful way to implement marketing automation. If a lead fills out an interest form on your website but has yet to make an initial appointment, you can implement a lead nurture sequence to educate them on the services you provide and encourage them to schedule a consultation.  

      And if your automation software has reporting dashboards (it should!), it can help you identify the niche markets where you’re most likely to convert potential clients into clients. 

      All these automations prevent good leads from falling through the cracks while freeing up your time for more valuable tasks. 


      Ultimate Guide to Law Firm Business Intelligence

      Are you sure about running a law firm without regularly analyzing performance data?

      There are just certain things in life that you wouldn’t, even couldn’t, do without a little research and background information. Running a legal practice is definitely one of those things.

      2. Client intake 

      Instead of expecting your admin staff to spend their time chasing down information from a new client, automating your intake process minimizes the burden of the onboarding process 

      You can automate the client intake process with smart intake forms, templatized workflows, legal document automation, client messaging, and more.  

      These automations allow your law firm to:  

      • Standardize the data you collect from leads 
      • Reduce data entry errors 
      • Establish a clear scope of work, billing arrangements, and timelines with clients 
      • Speed up response times to build a strong client relationship from the start  

      … all before any work has started. This leads to fewer lost billable hours, higher-quality client data, and less confusion for all parties.  

      3. Case management 

      Case management can be unwieldy, but there are numerous ways automation can simplify your day-to-day work while keeping everyone on the same page. 

      Here’s how automation can boost case management: 

      • Automatically schedule tasks 
      • Visualize matter status at a glance 
      • Nudge clients and colleagues when due dates arrive 
      • Build editable templates so legal documents can be shared, reviewed, and completed in a few clicks 

      4. Billing and collections 

      When you automate time and expense capture, you can easily and accurately track billables across multiple matters. And since this data is automatically collected as it is created and updated, creating and sending an entire batch of invoices can be done with just a few clicks. That alone can turn a task that often requires a full workday into one that takes an hour. 

      Even better, automating billing also automates your collections process. Clients can easily submit payments online, which means your payments get funded faster, and built-in delinquent payment reminders keep your invoices on your client’s radar.  

      (And if it’s simply a matter of forgetting to make a payment, these reminders allow your AP/AR team to spend their time following up with clients who are genuinely hard to get payments from rather than those who just needed a nudge.)  

      5. Matter conclusion 

      Enabling eSignature collection and secure file-sharing can shave days off closing a case. Creating a standardized workflow or checklist for finalizing a legal matter ensures every member of your team knows what they need to do and where case records need to be stored.  

      And the reporting dashboards that come with most automation programs can help you identify and resolve where you have inefficiencies in your matter management processes. It can also simplify the off-boarding process and make getting client feedback or testimonials easy for everyone involved. 

      Automate your law firm with Rocket Matter 

      Using legal practice management and automation software is like having three or four extra employees—without having to pay for salary and benefits. That advantage can give solo, small, and mid-sized firms the edge they need to compete above their weight class. 

      If you want to see how Rocket Matter can help you save time, increase productivity, reduce errors, and gain efficiency, schedule a demo with us today. 

      Ultimate Guide to Law Firm Business Intelligence

      Are you sure about running a law firm without regularly analyzing performance data?

      There are just certain things in life that you wouldn’t, even couldn’t, do without a little research and background information. Running a legal practice is definitely one of those things.

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