Criminal Justice

Lawyer is charged with disorderly conduct after walking the beach wearing movie serial killer costume

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A Galveston, Texas, attorney was charged with disorderly conduct Monday for walking the beach while dressed as movie serial killer Michael Myers from the Halloween film series.

Lawyer Mark Metzger said his getup and fake bloody knife were a prank, report MySA, the Galveston County Daily News, ABC 13, the Texas Lawyer and Fox 26 Houston.

He walked the beach before Tropical Storm Nicholas escalated to a hurricane.

Metzger told Fox 26 Houston that his costume was more comical than scary, and his intent was to bring “a little bit of joy on a day that otherwise might not be so joyful.” He is a member of a group called Irreverent Warriors that stages veteran hikes to help prevent warrior depression, but this time, he went off by himself to brighten people’s days.

In a post on Instagram, Metzger said he is all about “bringing positive vibes to this gloom and doom world out there, generating some laughter, helping people crack a smile, and restoring our faith in humanity through humor.” He has dressed in a unicorn onesie and launches unicorn floats when there is flooding to amuse children stuck in buildings, he told ABC 13.

Metzger’s Instagram post said he was “still fuzzy on what exactly I did was illegal.” He told Fox 26 Houston that he thinks he was charged under a provision of the disorderly conduct law that bans offensive gestures or language. He emphasizes, however, that the law uses the word “reasonable.”

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