Should I Follow Up After My Interview?

Ask a Career Advisor: Should I Follow Up After My Interview?

Is that post-interview, radio-silence stress kicking in? Are you feeling you’re being ghosted after you were sure you’d hear back with an offer right away? Should you follow up – or is it too late?

The fact of the matter is that following up after an interview is an excellent way to keep you top-of-mind and significantly increase your odds of landing the job.

But what is the best way to go about following up with an employer? iHire Career Advisor, Lori Cole, is back again to give us the who, what, when, where, and how to reach out to a potential employer after you’ve interviewed.

“Believe it or not, the follow-up process begins when you’re still in the interview. As the interview is winding down, ask for the next steps,” Cole started.

Before the interview ends, your goal is to find out if there is a timeline for making a hiring decision, whether or not there will be a second interview, and if the interviewer can provide their email address so you can send a follow-up note.

“Shortly after the interview, it’s important to thank the interviewer for their time and let them know how excited and interested you are in the opportunity,” Cole continued.

This touchpoint can be a simple email to the interviewer(s) expressing your gratitude. Aside from being good manners, “Sending a note is a sign of respect and can help you stand out from the competition,” according to Cole.

It is best to send this thank you note to the interviewer within 24–48 hours of your meeting. Try something like:

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me [today/yesterday] about the [job title] role. I enjoyed hearing about [interesting thing you learned from the interview], and I was impressed by [quality or trait of the company or team that made you more eager to work there].

After our conversation, I’m confident that my background in [key skills the employer is looking for that you possess] and experience in [experience you have that relates to the role] will enable me to meet and exceed your expectations and support the vision of [company name].

Please feel free to contact me if I can provide you with any further [information, references, or work samples. I look forward to hearing from you.


[Your Name]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]



But how long should you wait to ask for an actual status update? That depends on the timeline the employer gave you at the end of the interview. If that timeframe has passed, wait for an additional one to two days, and then send an email. On the other hand, if you weren’t given a timeline from the employer, and it’s been more than two weeks since your interview, it’s time to follow up.

“Hiring usually takes a lot longer than a hiring manager anticipates. For example, first-round interviews take longer than expected, or it can be difficult to get all the decision-makers in one place to discuss the candidate and make a final decision,” Cole assured. “Don’t jump to the conclusion that you didn’t get the job.” Instead, you can try sending a quick and concise message:

              Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I hope you are doing well. I am checking in on the [job title] role. I enjoyed meeting with the team, and I’m looking forward to your update. If there is anything else I can do to assist in the decision-making process, please let me know.

             Thank you,

[Your Name]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]


We’ve talked about email, but is it ever okay to reach out to a hiring manager over the phone? “I recommend following up by email because it’s a quick and easy way for a hiring manager to respond as soon as they have an update for you,” Cole answered. “Only follow up by phone if the interviewer indicated that’s their preferred contact method.”

Already followed up, and still no word? It’s okay to follow up more than once, but be careful and give some thought to the timing. According to Cole, “It’s good to be considered diligent, but you don’t want to cross the line into pesky or annoying.”


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Maybe you’re avoiding the follow-up because you’re afraid you didn’t get the job, and that’s not uncommon. But the worst thing you can do is assume the company wasn’t interested and not say anything at all.

“Even if you don’t get the job, the hiring manager could still provide some insight into why they may have thought you weren’t a good fit,” Cole concluded. “Sending a final email to thank the interviewer for their time and asking for their feedback communicates that there are no hard feelings and leaves the door open for future opportunities.”

Next time you apply for a job, try these tips for how to follow up on the application via email.

Alexia Hasbrouck profile picture
by: Alexia Hasbrouck
Originally Published: December 06, 2021

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