Sat.Jul 10, 2021 - Fri.Jul 16, 2021

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Text Analytics, Court Stats, and Privacy


A couple of weeks ago I shared some of “ my problems with pending case statistics ”. Before that, I posted another note regarding an alternative for analyzing criminal justice data. I generally try not to complain about things without having a solution in mind. In this article, I will share a solution using text analytics to work with a court’s largest data source, case documents, and reports.

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Does ‘Overpolicing’ Social Media Threaten Free Speech?

The Crime Report

Illustration by Jon Bunge via Flickr. The over-policing of social media posts represents a threat to democratic debate, argues University of Florida journalism professor Frank LoMonte. . Judges and authorities have made social media a “First Amendment-free zone” where people — particularly students — face outsize repercussions for contextless and humorous statements, LoMonte wrote in a recently posted University of Memphis Law Review article.


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Top 5 Tips: Taking Depositions in a Post-Pandemic World

Attorney at Work

While much of the world stopped last year, depositions didn’t. Cases forged ahead and lawyers scrambled to establish new ways of taking depositions and handling proceedings that, for decades, had been routine. As we emerge out of the pandemic, many of the pivots intended as bandages for uncertain times will become permanent changes to the way we conduct and prepare for depositions.

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UN report reveals increased human trafficking due to COVID-19


The UN Office on Drugs and Crime released a report Thursday revealing the negative effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on victims of human trafficking. As per the report, the pandemic has made it difficult to trace traffickers and has also enabled traffickers to find victims due to the increase in the use of online platforms. The report further stated: Women and girls have been recruited, often locally or online, for sexual exploitation, especially in private apartments.

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Deposition Prep Like a Pro: Insights from a Paralegal's Playbook

Speaker: Kaitlyn "The Persnickety Paralegal" Story

Deposition preparation is a critical aspect of a paralegal's role, requiring meticulous attention to detail and proactive management of the case timeline. In this session, participants will explore how effective deposition preparation not only contributes to the success of the legal team but also helps maintain a balanced workflow, minimizing last-minute crises.

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Clean Up Your Docs with Microsoft’s Document Inspector


A lot can happen when you mistakenly share information that is not meant to be shared. Identity theft , for example, is among the worst things that can happen. Before sharing the file with others, you must delete the hidden information first. Of course, you can hire a third-party cleaner for online security, but you can also utilize the ones already built-in on your computer, such as the Microsoft Office Word Document Inspector.

Metadata 140

More Trending

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Fastcase Names Its 11th Annual Class of Fastcase 50 Innovation Honorees


If you are wondering where the innovators are in law, look no farther than the Fastcase 50, the annual award doled out by the legal intelligence company Fastcase that honors 50 of the law’s “smartest, most courageous, innovators, techies, visionaries, and leaders.”. Fastcase today announced its 11th annual Fastcase 50 honorees, which adds up to 550 innovative leaders in law over the lifetime of the awards.

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Fourth Circuit rules laws barring gun sales to persons under 21 unconstitutional


In a split decision on Tuesday a three-judge panel of the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit held that federal statutes and regulations restricting gun sales to persons 21 years old and older are unconstitutional. The plaintiffs, Natalia Marshall and Tanner Hirschfeld, filed suit against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) when they were turned down attempting to purchase handguns.

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Dutch Tax Probe into Nike to Continue, as Sportswear Titan Loses Latest Round in Court

The Fashion Law

An investigation into Nike’s tax activities in the Netherlands will go forward after a court in the European Union determined that Dutch tax authorities did not act improperly in initiating the probe into the Swoosh. In a decision on Wednesday, a panel for the European Union General Court held that the European Commission “complied with the procedural rules, and neither failed to fulfill its obligation to state reasons nor made manifest errors of assessment,” thereby, shutting down the the

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Compassionate Release and the Pandemic: A Policy Failure?

The Crime Report

Tough-on-crime policies biased against racial minorities and the poor undercut efforts to release incarcerees on compassionate grounds during the pandemic, according to a forthcoming paper in the St. Thomas Journal of Law and Public Policy. “Early COVID-19 compassionate release decisions reveal that courts continue to base early release decisions primarily on an assessment of public safety risk from crime, not community impact, crime victim impact, or even prisoner health,” asserts Jennifer Brob

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Pricing for Profit: How to Set, Negotiate, and Succeed

Speaker: Igli Laci, Strategic Finance Leader

In today’s competitive market, pricing is more than just a number — it’s the cornerstone of profitability. The right pricing strategy ensures that you capture the true value of your offering, paving the way for sustainable growth and long-term success. Join Igli Laci, Strategic Finance Leader, in this exclusive session where he will explore how a well-crafted pricing approach balances customer perception with business objectives, creating a powerful tool for securing both competitive advantage a

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New ‘Legal News Hub’ Adds Breaking News In 76 Practice Areas To Lexis+


Subscribers to Lexis+. the premium legal research platform that LexisNexis launched last year , will now have access to breaking legal news headlines across 76 practice areas with the introduction today of the Legal News Hub. The Legal News Hub provides subscribers with access to headlines and summaries of current news stories from the LexisNexis-owned Law360 and Law360 Pulse news services.

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Sudan militia leader committed to trial after ICC confirms charges


The Pre-Trial Chamber II of the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued a decision on Friday, unanimously confirming all charges against Sudanese militia leader, Ali Muhammad Ali Abd-Al-Rahman. Consequently, Abd-Al-Rahman, who is also known as Ali Kushayb, was committed to trial before a trial chamber. Abd-Al-Rahman is considered a top commander of the Janjaweed militia and one of the most senior leaders in the tribal hierarchy in the Wadi Salih locality.

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Lawsuit: Johnson & Johnson’s “OGX” Shampoos Cause Hair Loss


The lawsuit claims that Johnson & Johnson's "OGX" shampoos contained a carcinogenic chemical they had promised to eliminate from products by 2015.

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Is Anti-Vax Movement Gaining Traction Among Corrections Staff?

The Crime Report

Health experts had warned that getting sufficient vaccines to prisons would be a logistical challenge. But a new slate of difficulties — from a deadlier COVID-19 variant to anti-vax misinformation — has slowed vaccination rates in prisons, particularly among corrections staff. The Philadelphia Inquirer reports just 22 percent of Pennsylvania Department of Corrections guards were vaccinated as of mid-June, according to voluntary department reports.

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Enhance Your Legal Document Translations with The Ultimate Comprehensive Checklist

Are you a paralegal professional aiming to elevate your practice and ensure impeccable translation of every legal document you handle? Cesco’s Legal Document Translation Checklist is your ultimate guide to achieving excellence. Learn how to prepare for translation by identifying your audience and selecting qualified translators. Simplify and review documents to ensure clarity and consistency.

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Ethics opinion gives NY attorneys green light to advise on, partake in cannabis

ABA Journal

The New York State Bar Association has announced in an ethics opinion that lawyers may provide legal services to clients in compliance with the state’s…

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Human rights groups call to stop Myanmar real estate project on military-owned land


A number of human rights groups have pleaded to Japanese businesses and property developers to terminate a proposed real estate development in Myanmar. The proposed development is the Y-Complex , worth approximately $330 million and covering 92,000 square feet of land leased from the country’s military. It aims to build shopping malls, office buildings and a hotel from Japanese luxury hotel chain Okura.

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Always Be Learning to Always Be Growing

Attorney at Work

Successful lawyers are successful at lifelong learning. No lawyer should assume their education is over at any point in their career — and certainly not upon graduation from law school. That’s when the real education about what it takes to be a successful lawyer truly begins. Successful lawyers, like successful people in all walks of life, are lifelong learners who never stop growing.

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DOJ Earmarks $7.65m for Rural Police Body Cams

The Crime Report

The Justice Department will allocate $7.65 million for the purchase of body-worn cameras by law enforcement agencies 50 or fewer full-time sworn personnel, including rural departments and federally recognized tribal agencies. The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) program announced by Attorney General Merrick Garland will allow agencies to apply for special grants to purchase the cameras, pay for their implementation or expand existing programs.

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Empower Your Firm: The Modern Guide To Litigation Financing

Litigation is expensive. Expert witnesses, depositions, staffing, and a long list of other expenses can limit your firm’s options. They strain cash flow, limit taking on new clients, and can even impact case strategy. This guide simplifies the complex world of litigation financing and compares different models and how they can impact the access to justice your firm provides to clients.

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Using Photos on Your Website – Court Decision Highlights Problems with a Creative Commons License and Other Copyright Issues

Broadcast Law Blog

We’ve written many times about the perils of posting a photo on your website without getting permission from the photo’s owner (see, for instance, our articles here and here ). Copyright protects photos, even when they are shared on the Internet. Just by posting a photo to some website does not mean that the owner has given up its copyright protections – and just because you can easily right-click on the image and paste it on your website doesn’t mean it is legal to do so.

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Spain court orders imprisonment of three men for fatal homophobic attack


A Spanish Court of Instruction justice ordered three men to be held in custody on Friday for allegedly murdering a man during a brutal, homophobic attack. The three men, alongside three other attackers, are accused of beating Samuel Luiz to death while shouting homophobic slurs. The fatal attack occurred Saturday, July 3, as twenty-four-year-old Samuel Luiz and a friend were on a video call.

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Artesano Bread vs Artisan Bread

Patently O

Interesting pending civil action in Grupo Bimbo v. Hirshfeld (E.D.Va. 2021). The Mexican company Grupo Bimbo makes more bread than any other company — including Wonder Bread and Sara Lee brands in the USA. Bimbo is attempting to register a mark for its “ARTESANO” line of bread — after apparently selling more than $1 billion in pre-packaged sliced bread product.

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How Civil Asset Forfeiture Turns Authorities into ‘Bounty Hunters’

The Crime Report

Civil asset forfeiture gives police officers the right to seize cash, cars and homes from people who haven’t been convicted of a crime, which is why it’s time to end this exploitative practice by passing laws that prohibit it, argues the USA Today Editorial Board. Intended to reduce crime by seizing the profits of drug dealers, civil asset forfeiture has become a legal way for officers to pocket the property of mostly poor and innocent people, the editorial says.

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Transforming eDiscovery: Document Summarization, Sentiment Analysis, And Chatbots Take Center Stage

A Synergistic Approach to eDiscovery In the space of eDiscovery, the convergence of document summarization, sentiment analysis, and chatbots represents a significant change in how legal professionals navigate and manage electronic information. These technologies not only expedite the review process but also empower legal teams with deeper insights into the emotional context and key information within electronic documents.

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Three Tips for Owning Your Career as a Young Lawyer

Attorney at Work

Taking ownership of your career growth will lead to more fulfilling opportunities — but ownership doesn’t mean doing it all on your own. One of the most pernicious myths for young lawyers is that someone will teach you everything you need to know about practicing law, and as long as you keep your head down and “do what you’re supposed to,” success will come.

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EU approves infrastructure strategy to rival China’s ‘Belt and Road’ plan


The EU published conclusions on the new “Globally Connected Europe Strategy,” an infrastructure strategy set to rival China’s “Belt and Road” initiative on Monday. This came following a co-operation pledge between the EU G7 nations along with the rest of the elite forum’s members. These conclusions are set to build upon the 2018 Joint Communication and Council Conclusions, “Connecting Europe and Asia—Building Blocks for an EU Strategy,” and follow

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A day in the life of a legal assistant


Introducing Samantha . We recently caught up with Samantha Evans, a legal assistant who kindly shared what she does on an average day, her hopes for the future and advice for those looking to join the legal industry. Career path . At college, I chose to study law as one of my subjects as I had a general interest from watching crime dramas on the television, reading John Grisham’s books, and obviously, Elle Woods in Legally Blonde!

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Higher Money Bail Doesn’t Lead to Greater Public Safety: Study

The Crime Report

The U.S. bail system relies heavily on the imposition of cash bonds to secure the pretrial release of criminal defendants awaiting trial, despite widespread criticism that the state unfairly punishes indigent criminal defendants with pretrial jail confinement solely because of their inability to pay the cash bond. Stewart D’Allessio. Many large jurisdictions use a bond schedule to establish the amount of money a criminal defendant must pay to be released from jail pretrial.

Felony 140
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How to Navigate Revenue and Expense Management: Competitive Insights for Financial Success

Speaker: Hilary Akhaabi, PhD - Founder, Chief Financial & Operations Officer at Go Africa Global

In the fast-paced world of corporate finance, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for sustainable growth and profitability. This exclusive webinar with leading expert Hilary Akhaabi, PhD, will teach you practical ways to navigate complex financial landscapes and enhance your company's revenue management capabilities. Whether you're aiming to refine your financial strategies or seeking innovative solutions to drive performance, this new session is for you!

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Cases on Boston Marathon bomber, CIA secrets headline October argument calendar


Share Although the Supreme Court only recently finished releasing opinions from its 2020-21 term, it is already looking ahead to the new term that will begin this fall. On Tuesday the court released the schedule for the justices’ October argument session, which begins on Oct. 4 and runs through Oct. 13. The justices will hear oral argument in nine cases over five days (with a day off to observe a federal holiday on Oct. 11), including arguments in two high-profile cases involving the federal gov

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Russia court convicts human rights lawyer under foreign agents law


Human rights activist and lawyer Semyon Simonov was convicted under Russia’s foreign agents law in a controversial criminal trial on Sunday. In December 2016, Russia designated the Southern Human Rights Center (SHRC) as a foreign agent, considering it to be engaging in political activity. The SHRC is an organization providing pro bono legal services on human rights issues in Russia.

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Pleading Infringement: Twombly does not Require Element-by-Element Infringement Pleading

Patently O

by Dennis Crouch. BOT M8 v. Sony ( Fed. Cir. 2021 ). Pleading Standards : The starting point of a civil lawsuit is the filing of the complaint that makes a claim for relief. FRCP 3. In order to properly state a claim, the rules require “a short and plain statement of the claim showing that the pleader is entitled to relief.” FRCP 8. For many years, the rules included an Appendix of Form Complaints deemed legally sufficient to satisfy R. 8.

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