Thu.May 16, 2024

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Three Reasons Why the SEC May Temper Its Rulemaking Before the Election

Intelligize Blog

In an election year, federal agencies often spend the final months of a President’s term rushing to push through pet projects and key objectives. The Securities and Exchange Commission is no exception. If you look back to 2020, for instance, the SEC under the leadership of Trump administration appointee Jay Clayton established a new rule aimed at curbing the influence of proxy advisory services.

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UK government announces draft ‘ban’ on contested sex education topics in UK schools


The UK Government announced on Thursday that it is updating its statutory guidance for schools and introducing age limits for sex education and sensitive topics. The press release says the decision to introduce age limits to sex education in schools comes “following multiple reports of disturbing materials being used in Relationships, Sex, and Health Education (RSHE) lessons.” The draft statutory guidance issued by the Department of Education prohibits sex education from being taught

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Brew Ha-Ha: How a Cup of Joe Became a Close Encounter with a Canine Catastrophe

The Estrin Report

By Chere B. Estrin As I strolled towards the cafe, I couldn’t shake the feeling of excitement. Finally, I was about to meet Joseph, one of my elusive students, from Boston U’s Paralegal Program. Despite the geographical gymnastics, he was now gracing my city with his presence. Our meeting promised to be a symphony of caffeine and career aspirations, with a sprinkle of wisdom on top.

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Portugal parliament dismisses bid to charge president with treason over support for slavery reparations to former colonies


Portugal’s Parliament rejected on Wednesday a bid proposed by the far-right party Chega to charge the country’s president Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa with treason over his support for reparation to former Portuguese colonies for slavery and mistreatment during colonization. The controversy dates back to April 2023 when President Marcelo de Sousa publically declared that Portugal has to assume responsibility for atrocities committed during the colonial era and that do more than apologize

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Empower Your Firm: The Modern Guide To Litigation Financing

Litigation is expensive. Expert witnesses, depositions, staffing, and a long list of other expenses can limit your firm’s options. They strain cash flow, limit taking on new clients, and can even impact case strategy. This guide simplifies the complex world of litigation financing and compares different models and how they can impact the access to justice your firm provides to clients.

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$60 Trump Bibles Include U.S. Constitution… Minus All The ‘Equal Protection’ Or ‘Presidential Term Limits’ Stuff

Above The Law

Trump's new constitutional canon leaves off all those amendments his supporters might not like. The post $60 Trump Bibles Include U.S. Constitution… Minus All The ‘Equal Protection’ Or ‘Presidential Term Limits’ Stuff appeared first on Above the Law.

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Supreme Court lets CFPB funding stand


Share The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a challenge to the constitutionality of the structure used to fund the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the federal agency tasked with enforcing consumer finance laws. By a vote of 7-2, the justices reversed a decision by a federal appeals court in Louisiana, which had ruled that the agency’s funding violates the Constitution because it comes from the Federal Reserve rather than through the congressional appropriations process.

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Tunisia dispatch: striking Tunisian lawyers rally against government overreach after security raid on headquarters


In an unprecedented move, striking lawyers across Tunisia rallied in front of court buildings in Tunis on Thursday, effectively bringing all court proceedings to a halt. This unified action comes in response to what legal professionals are describing as a dangerous escalation by the government targeting their community. The spark for this widespread protest was a bold raid on the Lawyers’ House in Tunis that took place on Saturday, May 11.

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Originalism, Textualism, And Whichever Theory Thinks Tacos Are Sandwiches

Above The Law

What theory of interpretation lands on 'tacos and burritos are Mexican-style sandwiches'? The post Originalism, Textualism, And Whichever Theory Thinks Tacos Are Sandwiches appeared first on Above the Law.

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France declares state of emergency in New Caledonia amidst riots against proposed voting changes


France declared a state of emergency in New Caledonia on Wednesday in an attempt to quell recent riots in the South Pacific territory, which left four people dead and hundreds injured. The riots have grown out of opposition to a set of proposed changes to voting rights in the territory. The change would enfranchise those who have lived there for ten years or more.

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Transforming eDiscovery: Document Summarization, Sentiment Analysis, And Chatbots Take Center Stage

A Synergistic Approach to eDiscovery In the space of eDiscovery, the convergence of document summarization, sentiment analysis, and chatbots represents a significant change in how legal professionals navigate and manage electronic information. These technologies not only expedite the review process but also empower legal teams with deeper insights into the emotional context and key information within electronic documents.

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“At Justice Alito’s House, a ‘Stop the Steal’ Symbol on Display; An upside-down flag, adopted by Trump supporters contesting the Biden victory, flew over the justice’s front lawn as the Supreme Court was considering an election case”


“At Justice Alito’s House, a ‘Stop the Steal’ Symbol on Display; An upside-down flag, adopted by Trump supporters contesting the Biden victory, flew over the justice’s front lawn as the Supreme Court was considering an election case”: Jodi Kantor of The New York Times has this report. The post “At Justice Alito’s House, a ‘Stop the Steal’ Symbol on Display; An upside-down flag, adopted by Trump supporters contesting the Biden victory, flew over the justice’s front lawn as the S

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India investigation agency apprehends absconding accused in Hyderabad espionage case


India’s National Investigation Agency (NIA) apprehended Wednesday an accused offender who had absconded after skipping bail in an espionage case that implicated individuals from Sri Lanka and Pakistan. The NIA said in their statement announcing the arrest: Nuruddin [, alias] Rafi, who was carrying cash reward of Rs. 5 lakhs, was nabbed from Rajiv Nagar areaof Mysuru, Karnataka today by an NIA team.

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Access online today’s opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court in argued cases


Access online today’s opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court in argued cases: Justice Elena Kagan delivered the opinion for a unanimous Court in Harrow v. Department of Defense , No. 23-21. You can access the oral argument via this link. Justice Sonia Sotomayor delivered the opinion for a unanimous Court in Smith v. Spizzirri , No. 22-1218. You can access the oral argument via this link.

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Over 30,000 child migrants crossed perilous Darién Gap this year: UNICEF


The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) reported on Wednesday that more than 30,000 child migrants crossed the notably perilous Darién Gap spanning the Panama-Colombia border in the first four months of this year. This is a 40 percent increase from that of the same period a year ago. According to UNICEF, almost 2,000 of the 30,000 child migrants crossed the Darién Gap without their families.

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Recipe for a Failed CLM Implementation

Selecting and implementing CLM technology can be daunting, leading to underutilization or abandonment. Factors like provider differentiation, inadequate planning, and lack of user training contribute to these failures. Recognizing these pitfalls is crucial for successful adoption, ensuring organizations harness the full potential of CLM for streamlined contract management.

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“Federal Consumer Financial Watchdog Survives Supreme Court Scrutiny; Justices reject claim CFPB funding structure violates Constitution”


“Federal Consumer Financial Watchdog Survives Supreme Court Scrutiny; Justices reject claim CFPB funding structure violates Constitution”: Jess Bravin of The Wall Street Journal has this report. The post “Federal Consumer Financial Watchdog Survives Supreme Court Scrutiny; Justices reject claim CFPB funding structure violates Constitution” appeared first on How Appealing.

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ICJ commences South African application for emergency provisional measures against Israel


The International Court of Justice (ICJ) heard oral arguments from South Africa in court today after it opened public hearings on South Africa’s request for further emergency provisional measures against Israel. The request for provisional measures was made in response to Israeli military incursions in Rafah and a refugee evacuation order issued by Israel.

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Nominations Open for 2024 American Legal Technology Awards, to be Presented at Gala Dinner in October


In what has become an annual tradition, nominations have now opened for the American Legal Technology Awards, which honor exceptional achievement in various aspects of legal technology.

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US lawmakers decry Harvard inaction on antisemitism recommendations


Harvard University’s leadership has failed to implement a spate of recommendations related to curbing antisemitism on campus, according to a report released Thursday by the US House Committee on Education and the Workforce. According to the report, Harvard’s Antisemitism Advisory Group (AAG) presented university leaders with recommendations in December 2023.

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Contract Lifecycle Management: A Business Enabler Exploring On-Ground Challenges

CLM tools have always strived to push contract management into the digital age for almost 30 years. But the complexities of digitising a legal document are numerous. The current scenarios in business development have shown that having a fully automated CLM has become a mandate for every law firm and in-house legal department. To determine if you need a CLM system, it's essential to clearly identify the on-ground business challenges you aim to solve.

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California Bar Risks Going Bankrupt Rather Than Change Its Exam

Above The Law

Leadership delays bar exam reform while entity runs out of cash. The post California Bar Risks Going Bankrupt Rather Than Change Its Exam appeared first on Above the Law.

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HRW: ISIS-linked group in Mozambique used boys for looting


A group affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) is abducting boys in northern Mozambique and using them to fight against government forces, in violation of an international ban on the use of child soldiers, Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported on Wednesday. HRW stated that an armed group known as Al-Shabab, an ISIS-affiliated group in Mozambique separate from Somalia’s Al-Shaabab, is recruiting boys as young as 13 to carry out attacks and looting.

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Innovation Doesn’t Always Have To Involve The Latest Tech, MD Anderson Exec Says

Above The Law

While adopting new technology is obviously a big part of healthcare innovation teams’ work, there are plenty of worthwhile initiatives that don’t involve advanced technologies, pointed out Dan Shoenthal, chief innovation officer at MD Anderson Cancer Center. The post Innovation Doesn’t Always Have To Involve The Latest Tech, MD Anderson Exec Says appeared first on MedCity News.

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UN rights chief: Georgia ‘foreign agents’ law undermines freedom of expression


UN Human Rights Chief Volker Türk stated on Wednesday that Georgia’s newly passed foreign agents bill “undermines the freedoms of expression and association.” Türk mentioned his concern regarding the possible effects of this bill being signed by the President of Georgia: “The ability of associations to seek, secure and use resources is essential to their effective operation.

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California Civil Discovery Act Undergoes Significant Overhaul

Short article looking at the new CCP 2016.

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Thomas, Alito: Two Originalists, Two Takes On CFPB Case

Law 360

U.S. Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito — often birds of a feather — butted heads Thursday over the original meaning and purpose of the U.S. Constitution's appropriations clause in a decision upholding the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's unique funding scheme, highlighting what experts describe as the pair's different approaches to originalism.

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ECHR holds hearing on gender-based exclusion rules of international sports competitions


The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) held a hearing Wednesday on a case involving an international athlete’s claims that World Athletics’ eligibility rules are discriminatory, forcing her to undergo medical treatment to compete. The applicant is asserting several violations of the European Convention on Human Rights. The case emerged from complaints by former South African Olympic champion Caster Semenya, alleging that the ‘ Eligibility Regulations for the Female Classification

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Klobuchar Reintroduces Sweeping Antitrust Reform Bill

Law 360

Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., reintroduced sweeping legislation Thursday aimed at restoring competition by strengthening antitrust laws to help enforcers better deal with harmful conduct and mergers, garnering support from the American Antitrust Institute, Consumer Reports and others.

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India Supreme Court orders immediate release of journalist detained in illegal funding case


The Supreme Court of India issued an order Wednesday for the release on bail of Prabir Purkayasth, the founder and Editor-in-Chief of NewsClick. Purkayasth had been detained in a case in which authorities accused NewsClick of receiving illegal funding from China. Commenting on the Supreme Court order, Advocate Arshdeep Khurana, representing Purkayasth, said : The Supreme Court has held the arrest and the remand proceedings to be illegal and has directed the release of Purkayastha.

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Dangers of Digital "Reporting": Legal Risks and Unreliable Transcripts

In the world of legal proceedings, the choice between a certified stenographer and digital "reporting" holds significant implications. Certified stenographers go through rigorous training and testing and stand as the gold standard for accuracy in capturing every word. Their expertise ensures a reliable record, a crucial foundation for legal cases.