How To Build A Tech-Focused Immigration Law Practice

If you’re running an immigration practice and want to see it take off, this podcast is for you.

ATL-Legal-Tech-Non-Event-Promo-Image-1b-editRunning an immigration law firm can be extremely difficult. 

It’s tough to stay on top of all the regulatory changes and political maneuvering — not to mention the fact that you still need to run an efficient law practice.

So, to discuss all the issues involved, we invited Joshua Goldstein onto the Non-Eventcast to discuss how he built a bicoastal, tech-focused immigration law firm and how he transitioned to the role of CEO — every lawyer’s dream. 

If you’re running an immigration practice and want to see it take off, the latest Non-Eventcast is an effective primer.

Jared Correia, a consultant and legal technology expert, is the host of the Non-Eventcast, the featured podcast of the Above the Law Non-Event for Tech-Perplexed Lawyers. 


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