UK Privileges Committee finds former PM Boris Johnson ‘deliberately misled’ Parliament News
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UK Privileges Committee finds former PM Boris Johnson ‘deliberately misled’ Parliament

The UK Parliamentary Privileges Committee released its report Thursday into Boris Johnson’s alleged breaching of parliamentary rules. Johnson is accused of violating Covid-19 lockdown restrictions throughout 2020 and 2021 and lying to Parliament about these violations.

The report concludes that contrary to Johnson’s claims, guidance was not entirely adhered to in Downing
Street, nor were the rules and guidance consistently obeyed throughout the Covid pandemic lockdowns. It goes on to claim that Johnson neglected to inform the House about his personal awareness of events where rules or guidelines were breached, saying that Johnson’s assertion that he depended on repeated confirmations that the rules hadn’t been violated wasn’t truthful. And finally, it says that despite appearing to rectify his previous statements, Johnson instead continued to deceive the House “and, through his ongoing denials, this Committee.”

The report goes on to state that Johnson “closed his mind to those facts and to what was obvious so that eventually the only conclusion that could be drawn was that he was deliberately closing his mind” and “sought to re-write the meaning of the Rules and Guidance to fit his own evidence.”

The 108 page report states that Johnson’s conduct “was deliberate and that he has committed a serious contempt of the House.” The Committee recommended a three-month suspension from Parliament.

Johnson described the report as a “deranged conclusion” and accused the inquiry of “hypocrisy.” Johnson resigned from parliament last week, shortly after receiving an early version of the report.

The House of Commons will vote on the recommendations of the report Monday.