Rancid Troll Alex Jones Calls Judge 'Dwarf Goblin'

World's worst client.

Demonstrators Protests At Texas State Capitol Against Governor’s Stay At Home Order

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Client management is hard in the best of circumstances. And circumstances are anything but the best for Andino Reynal, the tenth lawyer representing Alex Jones in the defamation suits brought by surviving family members of the Sandy Hook shooting victims.

Thanks to his egregious refusal to comply with discovery, Jones already defaulted in the pending suit brought by Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis, parents of slain 6-year-old Jesse Lewis, before Reynal was even hired. All that’s left is to calculate the damages after Jones called the defendants “crisis actors” participating in a “hoax,” inspiring waves of his supporters to harass the Sandy Hook families for years on end.

Alex Jones keeps getting caught lying on the witness stand, after which he makes a beeline for his studio to talk about the case on air, despite multiple admonitions from the court to knock it off. Plaintiffs’ counsel Mark Bankston dutifully recorded him and then played videos for the jury of Jones calling them “blue collar folks” who “do not know what planet they are on” and describing Heslin as “slow” and “on the spectrum.” He didn’t play the one of Jones bragging that his latest bankruptcy case is a ploy to evade legal judgments, but it’s a safe bet the lawyers contesting the bankruptcy will bring it to Judge Christopher Lopez’s attention.

Jones’s response to getting caught mocking Heslin just hours after he wept for his son in open court was to crow that he’d “caught” the plaintiffs’ attorneys deceptively editing the tape because they didn’t play the part of the broadcast where he acknowledged that Heslin and Lewis were “real, once I saw ’em in person.”

So Reynal made a motion on Tuesday to admit the complete segment which included what he described as an “apology.” (So much eye roll.) But, he said, he’d also like to submit a version that was edited using the very same “jump cuts” his client spent so much time accusing the “mainstream media” of exploiting to destroy his reputation.


See, when Megyn Kelly does it, it’s bad. But when Alex Jones does it to stop the judge from seeing him call her a “dwarf goblin” in the throes of “demonic possession,” it’s totally cool.

Roll tape!


“They’re all caricatures of what you would imagine in some alternate universe of dwarf goblins. It’s demonic. They all act demonically possessed. The judge, the lawyers. It’s surreal to be around them,” Jones said.


“And it makes you feel sorry for them because these people are committed to occult ideology of the new world order. And they’re never gonna stop,” he went on. “They’re getting rid of all the checks and balances, all our basic freedoms, they’ve gutted the border, they’re promoting pedophilia everywhere, they are just annihilating the social contract. They are destroying our country by design.”

Yeah, wouldn’t want to cut that out. Gotta run the whole tape for the judge and jury, or else it’s cheating!

Throw in that one where Jones’s former lawyer Robert Barnes, who is also an Infowars host, accuses Judge Maya Guerra Gamble of supporting pedophilia because she works with Texas’s Child Protective Services. Oh, never mind, Bankston played that one yesterday.

In the event, the parties rested without airing video of the world’s most famous troll calling the Judge Gamble a “dwarf goblin.” But the jury did get to see Bankston tell Jones on the witness stand that he had the entire contents of his phone going back two years, so … yeah, they’ve probably seen enough.

Liz Dye lives in Baltimore where she writes about law and politics.