Polish prime minister: EU may fast-track Moldova application News
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Polish prime minister: EU may fast-track Moldova application

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki Thursday said that officals may fast-track Moldova’s application for accession to the European Union. This news comes as Moldova fears being drawn into Russia’s conflict with Ukraine.

Speaking at a press conference held with Moldovan Prime Minister Dorin Recean, Morawiecki stated, “I believe an accelerated path [of EU accession for Moldova] is possible.” He also noted that any alternative would be “a cause of shame for Brussels and the European Commission.”

Morawiecki dismissed the possibility that Russia may attempt to invade Moldova in the near future but recognised that both Moldova and Poland had historical ties and experiences with Russian and have known “what it is to have the Russian bear breathe down our necks.”

Moldova, previously a part of the Soviet Union, has a population of 2.5 million people. Like Ukraine, Moldova sought to become an EU membership candidate in 2022. However, given its ongoing war with Russia, Ukraine’s application was fast-tracked, and on June 23, 2022, Ukraine was granted candidate status.

Accession to the EU requires that the applicant country satisfy several prerequisites, known as acquis. These conditions include compliance with the Copenhagen Criteria, which requires a free market economy with healthy competition, stability of institutions and strong rule of law.