Now, That’s A Satisfying Benchslap — See Also

This Bill Barr Benchslap Is Everything: This federal judge sees through the lies. Judge Loses His Cool: The allegations are startling. Rudy Giuliani Really Is A Terrible Lawyer: The subpoena was entirely expected. Will In-Person SCOTUS Mean A Quiet Clarence Thomas? Probably. Wanna Get A State Clerkship? There’s a law school for that.

This Bill Barr Benchslap Is Everything: This federal judge sees through the lies.

Judge Loses His Cool: The allegations are startling.

Rudy Giuliani Really Is A Terrible Lawyer: The subpoena was entirely expected.

Will In-Person SCOTUS Mean A Quiet Clarence Thomas? Probably.

Wanna Get A State Clerkship? There’s a law school for that.
