“You Are Quite Openly Jewish”: London Police Under Fire for Confrontation With Man Near Anti-Israeli March

The London police are under fire this week for threatening to arrest a man wearing a kippah near a pro-Palestinian march. Officers inform Gideon Falter, head of the Campaign Against Antisemitism watchdog, that he was “antagonizing” the protesters by being “openly Jewish” near such a march. He was told that, if he tried to cross the street while being “openly Jewish,” he would be arrested for breach of the peace.

In the video, one police officer said: “You are quite openly Jewish, this is a pro-Palestinian march, I’m not accusing you of anything but I’m worried about the reaction to your presence.”

Another officer then added later: “You will be escorted out of this area so you can go about your business, go where you want freely or, if you choose to remain here, because you are causing a breach of peace with all these other people, you will be arrested.”

Falter was also told that being openly Jewish near such a march was “antagonizing”.

Activists have long protested the dangers of “driving while black” in prompting stops by police and threats of arrest. Falter appears to have established a danger of “walking while Jewish” in London.

The Metropolitan Police later apologized, but had to issue a second apology after saying in a now deleted statement that

“In recent weeks we’ve seen a new trend emerge, with those opposed to the main protests appearing along the route to express their views. The fact that those who do this often film themselves while doing so suggests they must know that their presence is provocative, that they’re inviting a response and that they’re increasing the likelihood of an altercation.”

Calling an openly Jewish man “provocative” only reaffirmed the original statements made by the officers. As a result, the police had to issue a new statement, which said that the previous one had “been removed. We apologize for the offense it caused.”

What is equally disturbing is the threat to arrest a man who was doing nothing wrong based on his identity. These threats were being made as protesters were hurling abuses at him because he is Jewish.

Notably, the United Kingdom has embraced a wide array of criminalized speech, arresting people for hateful or denigrating comments made against groups or individuals.

A man was convicted for sending a tweet while drunk referring to dead soldiers. Another was arrested for an anti-police t-shirt. Another was arrested for calling the Irish boyfriend of his ex-girlfriend a “leprechaun.” Yet another was arrested for singing “Kung Fu Fighting.” A teenager was arrested for protesting outside of a Scientology center with a sign calling the religion a “cult.”

We also discussed the arrest of a woman who was praying to herself near an abortion clinic. English courts have seen criminalized “toxic ideologies” as part of this crackdown on free speech.

I have opposed those laws. Yet, this incident illustrates the arbitrary enforcement of such laws. The police simply ignored the anti-Semitic comments being leveled at Falter and confronted him on being openly Jewish.  That is not to say that I favor the enforcement of criminal speech laws. Rather, it shows the added danger of such laws in their selective enforcement.

177 thoughts on ““You Are Quite Openly Jewish”: London Police Under Fire for Confrontation With Man Near Anti-Israeli March”

  1. The open acceptance of hatred of Jews and the embrace of Nazis in London isn’t surprising. After all, London elected Sadiq Khan, an IslamoCommuNazi, mayor of the city. So, London is bound to follow IslamoCommuNazi modes of conduct.

  2. “The more we do to you,the less you seem to believe we are doing it.”
    – Joseph Mengele

    I wonder at what point the Jews and everyday people in 1930’s and 40’s Germany finally realized from what was happening around them and to them that they were at the point of no return and there was nothing they could do to save themselves.
    I also wonder at what point the American People are going to realize that they are repeating those catastrophic historical mistakes and if they too will miss the last opportunity to do anything to save ourselves.
    We seem so hellbent on preserving our self image of intelligent modern progressiveness and sophisticated, genteel righteous tolerance that we are championing and protecting the Rights, freedoms and sensibilities of those completely committed to exterminating our Rights and freedoms, and therefore contributing to their successes in their genocidal endeavor, at the expense of our own lives. 
    It took almost 2 decades to get the Jews and dissenters onto the boxcars and into the ovens, and like the current political climate in America, they were given clues, told outright what was going to be done to them and watched it happen to others with their own eyes nearly every step of the way.
    And still, their minds could not grasp the concept that that level of evil would ever really manifest, so most never formulated in their minds plans to escape or took actions to stop it.

    For all of you who have ever watched the documentaries, read books, seen photos and film clips of Nazi Germany showing Jews and political dissenters being rounded up and beaten in the streets, Jews and dissenters being piled into boxcars and sent off the to the concentration death camps, Jews and dissenters being sorted into slave labor, fertilizer and lampshade categories, Jews and dissenters being gassed and burned, mountains of rubbery bloated decomposing carcasses piled up, being raked through by fluid covered ghouls and “processed,”Jews and dissenters being rounded up and shot in the streets or shot standing over mass graves and their freshly machine gunned bodies being bulldozed into mass graves whether dead or not, lamp shades made of skin proudly displayed on Nazi officials desks and in their homes with their children standing around giggling, singing and decorating Christmas trees by the light of those lamps, photos of stormtroopers laughing and playing and picnicing with their girlfriends while acrid smoke drifted from smoke stacks in the background and wondered in stunned sickened silence
    “How in G0D’s Holy Name could any country, any society, any human being support, facilitate, participate in and let that happen?”
    Now you know.

  3. The US and much of Europe has fallen to the new Nazis.

    The rhetoric of Hamas, and most Palestinians who support Hamas, is indistinguishable from Nazi Germany. They want to kill all the Jews, take over Israel, and ultimately seek a global caliphate.

    The modern Nazis of the pro-Palestine movement took over Columbia University, shouted their support of al-Qassam, the military arm of Hamas, and declared their next targets should be Jewish students. It’s so bad that rabbis bade Jews to go home.

    This post concerns a London cop threatening to arrest a Jewish man for breaching the peace of modern Nazis by existing.

    Years ago, I argued with some distant relatives, and even people on this blog, that Trump was no antisemite, and that there was a surge in antisemitism of the Left. People told me that when Trump was elected, Jews would be assaulted and murdered. They believed the propaganda, and didn’t have the courage to apologize when Trump proved the strongest supporter of Israel of any president. As many of us conservatives warned, there was a surge of antisemitism on the Left, to the point that it’s unsafe for Jewish students to addend a university in NY, which has the largest Jewish population outside of Israel itself.

    Jews are the indigenous people of Judea, birthplace of Judaism. Most of the land set aside to create Israel was already given to appease the Muslims, in the formation of Jordan, and part of Syria and Lebanon. Thus, most of the region formerly known as Palestine already became a Muslim state. Palestinian Arabs who violently refuse to live in a Jewish country have more land to choose from in “Arab Palestine” in Jordan, Syria, or Lebanon. I suggest they go to Arab Palestine if they don’t want to live in the Jewish homeland.

    Just like those who blindly followed the transgender craze, and defund police movement, are beginning to see the error of their ways, so those who supported the destruction of Israel now get to see the fruit of their labors go full Nazi or KKK at Columbia University. All they’re missing is the goose step or a white hood.

    We conservatives warned of this, but were unheeded. People on this blog warned of this for years.

    When will voters learn the Democrat Party is intolerant, racist, and antisemitic, and that its policies lead to more poverty? Why do people vote for a movement like this?

    If enough Democrats rise to power over the next election, we could very well see the defunding of the Iron Dome, and then the destruction of Israel via a mass October 7th full scale invasion.

    There is already blood on your hands, voters. Can you really look at what you have wrought, and still claim that Trump is the threat the US faces?

    1. Trump favors Israel too much. Israel treats the Palestinians in Gaza like so much garbage, they’re the genocidists now. I am no pink haired freak out there demonstrating at Columbia. I am a native born WASP a lifetime Republican. and a 2 time Trump voter. I have been called a racist a thousand times. Not normally the kind who sympathizes with Palestinians

      AlsoI don’t object to a Jewish homeland there, I am not gonna whine about socalled apartheid.

      But as it concerns Trump this is a matter of strategy.
      Excessively favoring Israel was one of his mistakes and he better wise up and cut his losses only playing one side.
      Look at Kissinger and the gains we repeaped when he took the Israelis down a notch. look it up.

      America is who he’s supposed to represent.

      Here’s another thing. Murdering defenseless people is repugnant. It was ugly when Hamas did it to a hundred, so is one not repulsed by seeing Israel to do it to tens of thousands?

      Israel is gonna reap the whirlwind for treating Palestinians badly. And they most certainly have done so. How can this be debatable at this point? Does the Christian tradition of Just war teachings of Augustine and Aquinas mean nothing?

      Bombing civilians indiscriminately wasnt ok at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, its not Ok in gaza

      It’s one of his mistakes. Trump people , listen, pass it up the food chain. This is not smart

      1. “It was ugly when . . .”

        Nice moral equivalence. When you support the invaders (Hamas/Iran), you betray the victims (Israel).

        “. . . Aquinas mean nothing?”

        He lays out three conditions for a “just war.” Israel satisfies all three.

        “Bombing civilians *indiscriminately* . . .” (emphasis added)

        Right. The Enola Gay pilots were just cruising around the world and whimsically decided: “Hey. Let’s drop a bomb there.”

    2. Karen S — But the Palestinians are not allowed into any of the neighboring states, all with Arab populations.

      1. This Benson fellow lies, regurgitating a well worn Israeli canard.

        How did 279,000 Palestinian refugees get into Lebanon then, Benson? IF they were not allowed?

        I’m no Arab in fact I like them less than Jews

        but the more I learn the more I understand the Israelis and their rhetorical allies are liars


  4. There is a reason we threw them out and New Hampshire delegation signed Declaration of Independence on condition that amendments will be added spelling out what future government can and cannot do. They were so fed up with these Brits, that NH constitution itself guarantees citizenry a right to a revolution.

  5. For the sake of completeness, Professor, you really should mention that the Metropolitan Police have been roundly condemned in no uncertain terms by the Prime Minister, and that the Commissioner has been called in for an interview without coffee, as we say, by the Policing Minister who has been categorical in stating that the Jewish gentleman in question could in no way be accused of breaching the peace by his simple presence. Even Khan, the pro-Palestinian mayor of London, has been forced to say that the police were way out of line.

    Also for completeness, that little list you keep trotting out of British “criminalising” of speech really would repay checking beyond rubbish reports in the Daily Mail (akin to an American lawyer quoting the Daily Inquirer for legal reports), as in several cases no charges were actually pressed, and the police were roundly chastised for not understanding the law or overreaching themselves massively and ended up looking foolish. We do not have a written Constitution here in the UK, which whilst sometimes a drawback also means that we do not find ourselves in hock to a document dreamt up by a bunch of recent insurgents over two hundred years ago and incapable of meaningful change. We also happily place restrictions on some forms of speech, where Parliament deems it appropriate. Sometimes Parliament may get it wrong, but often it is reasonable, with plenty of checks and balances, and as I say, just because some idiotic copper occasionally screws it up does not mean there are any long term consequences. US law enforcement makes plenty of errors, all police forces do. It is not a fair extension to assume that because police err that somehow the UK has criminalised speech unreasonably. (The Scottish Government’s local laws are a different matter, but that is the one party state of the Scottish Nationalists for you, who have been regularly blocked by the UK Government to their chagrin.)

    1. There seems to be a trend in the UK, then, of police not understanding the law, as people are arrested for silently praying, and the new Nazi movement terrorizes Jews. Not to be outdone, the US seems to be following suit.

      Scotland has threatened to throw people in prison for social media posts the transgender community might find upsetting. JK Rowling has gone to war with this new law. Prosecutors won’t arrest someone with Rowling’s clout. They’ll choose a mother complaining about transgender indoctrination that convinces kindergarteners they should change genders to please others.

      The problem with allowing government to determine what speech is acceptable, is that it can then define what constitutes good or bad speech. Whatever the party line in power is, that’s the basis of acceptable speech.

      It is beyond ludicrous that repeating the biological definition of gender can get you arrested, but that’s where they’ve arrived.

    2. “We also happily place restrictions on some forms of speech, where Parliament deems it appropriate.”

      God forbid we should be in such a situation where “Congress deems [what] is appropriate” speech. Thank you, I’ll take our Constitution perfectly capable of change despite your charge otherwise because it is a living document.

  6. For some reason, this makes me think of Trayvon Martin – you know where the mere act of asking a black kid what he was doing, became a horrible thing one must never do, and thus providing an excuse for Trayvon to attack him. The Democrats were very up in arms about that, IIRC. An unspoken assumption was that black kids are very prone to violence, which they are.

    Same thing here, it is a horrible thing to just be Jewish, and thus agitate people already prone to violence.

    1. The issue now is that if you’re Jewish and you walk down the street into a mob of protesters… do you have the right to defend yourself when confronted?
      Imagine if you have a CCW permit. There’s now a mob action threatening you. At what point can you reach for your gun? Too soon, it could be considered brandishing, yet… too late… when you clear leather, you’re going to have to shoot and that means taking another’s life.

      I can’t wait for any of these protesters to come into my neighborhood.

      1. When some of these SOBs start getting shot and killed, and if done in sufficient numbers, that could make them think twice. Notice how campus rioting really slowed down when the Kent State Nat’l Guard shot some of the protesters, the college kids found more fun stuff to do, beside protesting.

      2. A Jewish Kyle Rittenhouse would likely be charged, and in just as much danger of going to prison, as Rittenhouse was. He barely escaped at trial.

        The Left would prefer that victims genteelly die without a fight.

  7. Let’s consider the possiblility that the misuse of the legal system by Letitia James and Alvin Bragg, backed by compliant local judges and media, has diminished the respect for law in NYC.

    1. There does not appear to be any chance that Trump actually wins NY, but current polling has him doing better than Zeldin did in 2022 and that is huge – that is an 18pt statewide flip from 2020. Further Trump is doing signifcantly better in NYC than he did in 2020.

      This is having an effect.

    1. I’m sorry but the leadership of the Jewish community championed mass migration from the third world into America for decades.
      This conflict was a predictable result of importing so many millions of Muslims.

      Stephen Steinlight wrote about this back in 2002 or so, after 9/11.

      A goy can’t say this without being called an antisemite, but Steinlight is no goy

      This was all predictable, but the jewish lobby backing things like the 1965 Immigration Reform act, back then, to the Jewish lobby in the form of George Soros, still backing all the mass migration, have created the situation that now scares a lot of Jewish people who suddenly think twice.

      Why didn’t you think twice before, or when Biden was elected?
      Sorry but the Jewish vote heavily favored him too., These are facts.

      If Jewish people are worried then they need to all become anti-mass-migration activists OVERNIGHT

      I wont hold my breath. Forgive us goys if we don’t panic over this one.

  8. Hamas “men” are cowards, “bravely” raping women and killing babies, then hiding underground while forcing their mommies to face danger above them. Real men would surrender rather than let their mommies and grandmas be blown up.

    1. We have no idea how many hostages still held by Hamas are still alive.

      I believe that when it appears Hamas will be utterly destroyed, they will kill the last hostages out of spite.

      At this point, any young women who are returned would likely be heavily pregnant. In a few more months, maybe they’ll be giving birth in dark tunnels.

      The thought of what Hamas has been doing to these men and women for over 6 months is appalling. ONCE AGAIN, Biden has cowardly abandoned Americans in peril on foreign land. A president is supposed to treat each kidnapped American as if that’s their own child. The US should have sent the Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Army, absolutely clogging the Med, for our people, and rescuing all the other hostages while they were at it.

      If we sent our military to retrieve our people, destroying their captors, dropping hate from above, until we had every single last one of them, that would have been a deterrent to terrorists.

      Instead, Biden is doing PR for Hamas. Hamas would have surrendered by now if Biden hadn’t done their bidding and pressured Israel to let Hamas escape.

      Would Joe Biden have left Hunter Biden to rot with Hamas for 6 months?

      1. Facts matter. The fact is HAMAS are not cowards, they are tough and well trained soldiers. Maybe there is a terrorist element, but one might say the SS were well trained soldiers and maybe a terroristic element too, and indeed, many say the same of the IDF today.

        The fact is, HAMAS is nowhere near defeated. The IDF killed tons of civilians and bombed buildings into rubble, but there is no clue how many HAMAS soldiers were killed, the Israeli press is under military censorship as a matter of law, and the IDF lies about their results as badly as the Ukrainians do. They claim a certain percentage of tunnels have been demolished. Really? A percentage implies they know the full extend. Im sorry but nobody well informed believes they even know. Their HUMINT in Gaza is obviously pretty weak, and the HAMAS guys are not sending each other emails which are easily intercepted.

        Just as the US occupation of Iraq couldnt hold, nor Afghanistan, the occupation of Gaza is probably not feasible either. ‘

        Which explains why they’ve resorted to ethnic cleansing and killing tens of thousands of civilians.

        I sort of wish the Israelis would win and I could quit hearing about the mess, I can say I have a lot more in common with Israelis than Palestinians– but we have to be realistic about this debacle. The Israelis have shot their wad and failed.

        Sorry to say, as an American this probably bad news for us, but their vaunted result of shooting down 99% of the Iranian drones and missiles probably conceals the reality that in a large scale contest of attrition– the Iranians have the upper hand now. Cheap drones and missiles made on an effective industrial base, versus expensive US made air defenses? ‘

        War is going to be unsustainable for Israel. It is not the solution. Neither are nukes, and let’s pray Netanyahu doesnt get desperate.

  9. There won’t be any relief for Jews in London with the current mayor who is antisemitic himself. The MET won’t go against the mayor, they will straddle the fence and land on the wrong side of law and justice. The pro-Palestinian protestors were, in fact, waving signs and chanting antisemitic slogans and permitted to continue their open incitement. Pro-Hamas means you support killing innocent men, women and children at a concert, expecting no retribution. They support terrorism but this is OK in London.

    1. Enough Londoners are antisemitic that they voted in a blatant antisemite as mayor.

      The culture is lost.

      1. Londoners are in large part not even English.

        This is where mass migration leads.

        Look and see who backed Churchill, and there’s a straight line from there to here.

        NOW the complaining !

  10. Now that Columbia University is a dangerous place for Jews, Jews should pull out fearing for their lives, demand refunds and file class action lawsuits to drain their revered endowment funds. Oberlin College demise should serve as a template on how Jews could hit these schools where it would hurt them the most. Anti-Semitism was supposed to be a “never again” rallying cry. Now its “burn the Jews, death to Jews” etc.

    This is the fault of Democrats enabling the Left since 2016 in inciting violence in America, e.g. Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, et al.

    1. “@mrddmia
      Jewish Columbia students are under attack.

      Violent threats and actual violence.

      1. Where is the Biden Justice Department?

      2. Where is the Biden Department of Education?

      3. Where is Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg?

      4. Where is New York Governor Kathy Hochul?”

      *[Where are they? They WANT this to happen which is why they are MIA]

    2. They are essentially telling Jews: Go hide in the attic.
      The Biden White House is with the pro-Hamas terrorists and you Jews are on your own here in America.

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