Crown Prosecution Service CEO announces departure following discrimination lawsuit settlement News
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Crown Prosecution Service CEO announces departure following discrimination lawsuit settlement

According to a statement published Friday, the Crown Prosecution Service’s (CPS) CEO, Rebecca Lawrence, is departing from her role. The resignation directly follows her age and sex discrimination lawsuit against the CPS, which was settled on Thursday night. Lawrence’s position as CEO was officially announced in June 2019.

The CPS statement says that Lawrence plans to continue advising the new DPP and CEO “during the transition to the next phase for the organisation.” Lawrence says, in regards to her departure, that:

This is a natural transition point for the CPS and it has been a privilege to lead this important organisation. I have been inspired every day by the committed and purposeful colleagues at every level who are driven by the cause of justice to give service at what is often the darkest of times for the people we support.

According to the Law Society Gazette, Lawrence appeared before an employment tribunal on Thursday, claiming discrimination against the CPS based on age and sex. The tribunal was meant to hear all evidence and submissions from the parties throughout a five-day period from Friday morning. However, CPS and Lawrence settled the matter. She resigned from her role shortly after the settlement.

The CPS has not yet commented on the lawsuit.

On November 3, the CPS announced that Conservative MP Bob Stewart was found guilty in a Westminster Magistrates court for racially abusing a Bahraini activist outside of an event hosted by the Government of Bahrain in December 2022.