The Essential Guide To eDiscovery In Confluence And Jira

These are indispensable workplace tools, but the unstructured data they create can pose eDiscovery headaches.

jira_asset_thumb1Traditional eDiscovery tools are accustomed to dealing with structured data from databases and emails – not wikis, discussions, screenshots, and other project documentation that is commonly stored in Confluence and Jira.

As organizations generate more and more of this unstructured data — 90% of all enterprise data is unstructured, according to a report from IDC — organizations need a strategy and technology to collect, process, and produce it for early case assessment, investigations, and litigation.

In this guide, our friends at Onna will teach you everything you need to know about extracting Confluence and Jira data for eDiscovery and compliance.

They’ll cover topics including:

>The challenges of collecting Confluence and Jira data
>Data retention in Confluence and Jira
>The best Confluence and Jira plans for eDiscovery
>How to establish a successful Confluence and Jira eDiscovery strategy