Friends with Benefits? Telephone Records Raise New Challenge to the Willis/Wade Testimony

In the movie Friends with Benefits, the character Jamie asks Dylan “why do I get the feeling this is the first real commitment you’ve ever made?” Dylan responds “It’s not. T-Mobile. Two years. And f*** do I regret that one!”

The ongoing proceedings involving Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and lead prosecutor Nathan Wade seem to be playing out a real-life version of Friends with Benefits, though the benefits may have violated core ethical rules. Now, it appears that Wade may, like Dylan, regret that cellphone plan.

In a new filing in the court, counsel for defendants in the 2020 election case have submitted telephone records indicating that Willis and Wade exchanged over 2,000 phone calls in the first 11 months of 2021.

Those calls, it is alleged, contradict the sworn testimony of both prosecutors on their relationship. They have insisted that they did not become romantically involved until shortly after Wade was hired by Willis in the Trump case. They also downplayed how often they spoke, describing a limited level of contact in 2021.

Investigator Charles Mittelstadt submitted an affidavit discussing over 2,000 voice calls and just under 12,000 text messages from the 11-month period of January to November 2021.  That later date is when Wade was hired.

The investigator noted “a prevalence of calls made in the evening hours and suggested that some indicate that Wade had stayed overnight at Willis’s home despite denials on the stand. Challengers are claiming that the records indicate that Wade may have been over to the home as many as 30 times during that period.

In her testimony, Willis was combative, declaring “It’s a lie! It’s a lie!” when asked about a romantic relationship preceding her hiring of Wade. Many in the media praised Willis as showing what a “good lawyer” she is in attacking the media, the defendants, and critics.

If Wade did not stay over, the parties are claiming that his cellphone seemed to:

Specifically, on September 11, 2021, Mr. Wade’s phone left the Doraville area and arrived within the geofence located on the [redacted] address at 10:45 P.M. The phone remained there until September 12 at 3:28 A.M. at which time the phone traveled directly to towers located in East Cobb consistent with his routine pinging at his residence in that area. The phone arrived in East Cobb at approximately 4:05 A.M., and records demonstrate he sent a text at 4:20 A.M. to Ms. Willis.

Additionally, on November 29, 2021, Mr. Wade’s phone was pinging on the East Cobb towers near his residence and, following a call from Ms. Willis at 11:32 P.M., while the call continued, his phone left the East Cobb area just after midnight and arrived within the geofence located on the [redacted] address at 12:43 A.M on November 30, 2021. The phone remained there until 4:55 A.M.

The allegations could not be more serious. Wade and Willis are prosecuting defendants for filing false papers and making false statements to courts. They are now accused of the same conduct, including allegedly lying under oath.

It is important to emphasize that these records have not been fully vetted in court. Cellphone records can be highly interpretive and imprecise on locational tracking. Willis did file a response this week. In addition to objecting that the records “are not properly in evidence” and have not been authenticated, she stated in part:

“The records do not prove, in any way, the content of the communications between Special Prosecutor Wade and District Attorney Willis; they do not prove that Special Prosecutor Wade was ever at any particular location or address; they do not prove that Special Prosecutor Wade and District Attorney Willis were ever in the same place during any of the times listed in Supplemental Exhibit 38.”

If established, this would make this controversy far more serious than disqualification from this case. It could raise concerns over potential criminal conduct. It could also push the court to refer both attorneys to the bar.

Whatever the merits on the relationship, the conduct of Wade and Willis after the allegations are as troubling for many of us. They have put their own interests ahead of those of the case and their office. The first reaction of Willis was to go to a church and paint all of these questions as racist.

In his testimony, Wade appeared to contradict his prior sworn statements in his divorce case when asked, in May 2023, whether he had sexual relations or entertained a member of the opposite sex other than his wife over the course of his marriage, including during their separation. He answered no, but later admitted to a sexual relationship with Willis during that period. Wade simply insisted that he was answering according to his own definition of the marriage and excluded the specific reference to the period of separation up to May 2023.

Willis was more aggressive but may have now created a record that stands rebutted by the telephone records.

In the prior hearings, Willis was applauded on many news sites as she defiantly yelled at opposing counsel “You’re confused. You think I’m on trial. These people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. I’m not on trial, no matter how hard you put me on trial.”

Unless Wade and Willis can rebut this evidence as false or immaterial, they indeed could very well find themselves on trial.

313 thoughts on “Friends with Benefits? Telephone Records Raise New Challenge to the Willis/Wade Testimony”

  1. Fani and Wade going down alright, sounds like they been doing that for a while since 2021, and on tax payers money. Probably an easier way out for them as their RICO case was weak sauce, we will see how weak as they are removed and a legitimate prosecutor is assigned, see if they believe it solid. America knows it’s weaponization of our judicial system in efforts to interfere with an election. Ask yourself, after everything you’ve seen since 2016, do you believe these power hungry corrupt bureaucrats wouldn’t wholeheartedly cheat to rig an election with every devious measure they can?

    1. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep. How has Fani been sleeping lately?
      Willis is a hateful driven narcissist who feels entitled and special and likes to refer back to her “daddy” to soften her criminal behavior. It’s so CRINGE to watch her cocky behavior. With pride cometh the fall Ms. Willis. Don’t ever try to bring God in to cover your sins. It ain’t gonna go well. She feels she’s a child of God so she can get some special favor but she forgets God doesn’t like LIARS and frauds and people who use HIS name to cover up their sins. There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers. “You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish.” TELL THE TRUTH FANI. QUIT LYING!

  2. Sorry, Fani and Nathan…you believed in your own goodness. Was the sex worth losing the biggest case in your lifetime? Doubt it!!

  3. If I was China, I would make Fanny head of the DoJ, and Wade head of the FBI.
    This ain’t the Hallmark Channel.

  4. Breitbart reports that after Fani won the DA position, WADE was in charge of the office hiring – they fired all 250 employees and brought them all back in for interview with Fani and Wade and 8 campaign insiders, made all 250 resubmit to the interview and hiring process. They canned anyone that had control positions in the office so they could carry out corruption unimpeded.

  5. Hillary already proved how important communiques as evidence are. 35,000,000 emails deleted in 3 minutes proved her expertise as an advanced criminal lawyer.

    Hire that woman.

  6. The technology used is identical to that submitted as evidence to the court in the January 6th trials. Too bad for Fani and Wade

  7. This is getting out of hand – pple should – not be ruined like this. I respect her testimony – a man is not a plan but a companion – whatever the had they had in August the “talk” – despite his no more desire in June. The evidence of an affair isn’t found pre nov2 it’s found post August after the “talk” ‘ was his hours cut off the pay roll after the August talk? That’s the rub.

    1. We are talking here about a black man – a proffession a judge z- who got agreement with his wife who cheated – to at least farther his kids. I respect him doing that. It makes our world sounder. Foundation. So he got pushy wiped by fani – a lonely- but got paid no more than others on contract. The real test for an corrupt affair is after the August “real talk” was his hours docked? That’s the evidence of miss use off office- not the lack of recieots.

      1. He was paid $100/hour more than the RICO experts despite never prosecuting a criminal case in his life. Wade brought in close to $700,000 while no other attorney has made a third of that amount. He has been paid a higher rate & taken in the most money while paying for vacations for Willis & him. They took 7 vacations in 6 months. What work were they doing on the case? This is straight up Democrat corruption to the core. Anyone excusing it isn’t being honest with themselves about the evidence in front of them.

        1. But it’s the judge who has the evidence and has to decide if he’s calling both them liars or not. If he does the ga bar is stained. But if there is evidence on the back end she corrupted – her office then the judge wade survives. And the reputation of the ga bar survives. But if he finds on the front end… they both liars it makes the bar as an institution look bad. 2 liars on the bar vs one corrupt da. I wanna see if I were judge the hours and pay after the August talk.

    1. Surely, the Donald presented through the distortion of the theftist media is insane. But then anyone who takes the theftist media seriously is insane!

        1. “So were people in insane asylums.”

          Pretty sure you’ll rethink that if you ponder the point even slightly. You may want to start by doing some reading. Here’s one easy read for you since there is a question regarding your intellectual capabilities:

          “Declared Insane for Speaking Up: The Dark American History of Silencing Women Through Psychiatry”
          By Kate Moore – June 22, 2021

    2. Consider the source of the opinion.

      In some cases, a person with superior intellect has absolutely no common sense.

      “Benson the Great” is here.

      What’s that tell you?

    3. Ok. SC Hur says Joe Buydin is an “elderly man” that ‘willfully’ retained classified docs, and wouldn’t be held liable, despite breaking the law. Trump is crazy-like a fox. Doddering Grandpa is lost, feckless and has puppetmasters pulling his strings. He’s not really running our country.

    4. David B. Benson, noted Soviet Democrat apparatchik and Certified Internet Psychiatrist attempted this:
      In my inexpert but informed opinion, The Donald is insane..

      An opinion The Benny came to after concluding that Bribery Biden is as sharp as a tack, completely lucid, just as sane as The Benny is – and therefore there is obviously no reason that The Big Guy should take the same cognitive test that Trump took and easily aced.

      Res ipsa loquitur – The thing itself speaks… indeed.

    1. You said, “Jonathan Turley is a right-wing extremist piece of shit. And those are his good qualities.💩”

      But you said that as if that were a bad thing???

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