Happy Birthday, Adam: The Invisible Hand Just Slapped Disney

Below is my column in The Hill on how Disney appears to be honoring the 300th anniversary of Adam Smith by recognizing some basic economic principles like the need to sell goods to make profits.

Here is the column:

This year marks the 300th anniversary of Adam Smith, the iconic figure behind the theory of free markets, or of what we have since come to call “capitalism.”

Born in June 1723, Smith went on to explain how the “invisible hand” of the market worked as people exercised their choices between certain products. It can shape economies and challenge whole governments. One company in particular appears to be learning that lesson.

In recent filings, Disney appears concerned that the “invisible hand” of Adam Smith is effectively giving the “House of Mouse” the middle finger. In a new corporate disclosure, Disney acknowledges that its controversial political and social agenda is costing the company and shareholders.

In its annual SEC report, Disney acknowledges that “we face risks relating to misalignment with public and consumer tastes and preferences for entertainment, travel and consumer products.” In an implied nod to Smith, the company observes that “the success of our businesses depends on our ability to consistently create compelling content,” and that “Generally, our revenues and profitability are adversely impacted when our entertainment offerings and products, as well as our methods to make our offerings and products available to consumers, do not achieve sufficient consumer acceptance. Further, consumers’ perceptions of our position on matters of public interest, including our efforts to achieve certain of our environmental and social goals, often differ widely and present risks to our reputation and brands.”

Disney and other companies have previously ignored consumer backlash over corporate campaigns such as Disney’s opposition to Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law. Corporate officials once avoided political controversies and focused on selling their products and services rather than viewpoints.

Disney has reportedly lost a billion dollars just on four of its recent “woke” movie flops, productions denounced by critics as pushing political agendas or storylines. Yet until now, the company has continued to roll out underperforming movies as revenue has dropped. What’s more, Disney stars persist in bad-mouthing its fabled storylines and undermining its new productions. The company admits that it has suffered a continued slide in “impressions” (that is, viewership) by 14 percent.

For shareholders, it may seem counterintuitive that corporate executives would trade off profits for political or social agendas. However, it does serve as a rationale for individual corporate executives who are professionally advanced when they champion such causes. For example, when Alissa Heinerscheid, vice president of marketing for Bud Light, pledged to drop Bud Light’s “fratty reputation and embrace inclusivity,” she was heralded by colleagues, even though her move went on to tank that brand as a whole. Indeed, Bud Light has still not recovered from the loss of billions in profits, market share, and overall market value.

The same trend is playing out in the media. Public trust in journalists has fallen to a record low. Yet media executives continue to push advocacy journalism, abandoning objectivity. As former New York Times writer Nikole Hannah-Jones declared, “all journalism is activism.”

With falling subscriptions and public backlash (this includes the amusing “Let’s go, Brandon!” mantra), the journalists continue to saw at the thin branch upon which they are sitting.

Again, while advocacy journalism is no more popular than woke corporate agendas, it remains “wealth-maximizing” for individual journalists, who can receive accolades from contemporaries by taking steps detrimental to their profession as a whole. For each individual, the falling revenues of their media outlets are outweighed by the individual advancement that comes with embracing advocacy over objectivity.

The same is true with academia, where universities and colleges are roundly criticized for their intolerance of opposing views and for purging faculties of conservative or libertarian professors. Roughly half of this country holds conservative or libertarian views. Yet faculty members have little incentive to put themselves at risk by demanding more intellectual diversity or viewpoint tolerance.

Each of these tales of decline represents a variation on another economic model called the “tragedy of the commons” whereby everyone makes personal decisions to their own immediate advantage that ultimately kill off the very resource that sustains everyone.

All of these corporate, journalistic and academic figures are acting for their immediate personal advantage at the expense of their companies and institutions.

In fairness to Disney,  there is an expressive element to its products. Movies are artistic creations that emphasize certain motivations and values. At one time, those values included some that are now viewed as offensive, including racist tropes.

The question is the balance and degree of the political and social agenda. Disney’s products are now viewed by many conservatives as empty virtue signaling and endless attempts to indoctrinate children. Moreover, when the company publicly declares its opposition to a popular parental rights bill in Florida, it is moving away from a commercial to a political focus.

That is the problem with the invisible hand. You can bring movies to the public, but you cannot make them sell. Once an unassailable and uniting brand, Disney brand is now negatively associated with activism by a significant number of consumers. The company is now even reporting a decline in licensing revenue from products associated with Star Wars, Frozen, Toy Story and Mickey and Friends — iconic and once-unassailable corporate images.

The question is how long Disney (or its shareholders) can tolerate falling revenues tied to its “misalignment with the public.” It is a massive corporation and it can lose billions before facing any truly dire decisions. Yet even Disney’s CEO, Bob Iger, now appears to be seeking to “quiet things down” after years of culture wars.

Iger has come to accept that a company does indeed have to sell products to survive. As Smith wrote, “It is not from the benevolence of the Butcher, the Brewer or the Baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.”

So Happy 300th birthday, Adam. It is a bit belated, but so was Disney’s recognition of your economic principles.

Jonathan Turley is the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at the George Washington University Law School.

227 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Adam: The Invisible Hand Just Slapped Disney”

  1. After many years going to Disney parks, we have quit all together – not another $1 for them. They chose to ruin their brand and we choose to ignore it completely.

    1. I am 71 years old and fondly remember watching the Walt Disney Show for years with my grandparents whom I lived with from age 3 to 10. I fondly remember going to Walt Disney World with my little children and mother in law who I loved and she really had fun. We got up early every morning and had a wonderful vacation. I ask Walt Disney stockholders how in the world can you turn off my wonderful memories and fondness for Walt Disney? It sounds like an impossible task but Disney has somehow succeeded in doing so with their woke statements and policies. LOL. I have absolutely no interest in ever visiting Disney again unless a family member was sick and wanted to go. I turn off the Disney shows too on TV so congratulations Disney you have really lost me as a follower. Great Job. LOL. W Manion, MDPhDJDMBA

  2. Yesterday was the birthday of a great free market economist, Henry Hazlitt. If you read only one econ book, read his _Economics in One Lesson_. It’s brief, crystal clear, and written for the layman.

  3. Is Turley aware of federal security and intelligence agencies using “Jim Crow” tactics to silence legal First Amendment activity?

    Some agencies are intentionally preventing American citizens from earning a livelihood, in the occupation of their choice, for at least 20 years now.

    Maybe to fool government watchdogs (ie: GAO, IGs, Congress) these executive branch agencies engineer it so the target’s spouse or children makes a great salary.

    So the target is demeaned as being a dependent, never earning their own livelihood, never having that dignity – same tactic used against African-Americans during Jim Crow era to demean innocent citizens.

    If a local or state official did this, the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division would charge them with a felony and send them to federal prison. But DOJ doesn’t like to enforce civil rights laws against federal security and intelligence agency leaders.

    Even the good government bureaucrats don’t seem to understand or care what the citizen crime victims want. Most bureaucrats have never worked in the private sector or started a small business – so even the good ones are out of touch.

    Even when they make mistakes and get caught, they still never own up to it and think money solves these problems. Money is the least important way to solve this. Agencies need to own up to this publicly and admit wrongdoing, their victims need official explanation letters to aid future employment.

    Since 9/11, these innocent Americans have been harassed by local, state and federal security officials exceeding 8000 consecutive days – akin to Chinese Water Torture. Many have averaged a 70% paycut for 20 years. The federal government has chosen to not allow them to make a living for 20 years in the occupation of their choice and without daily interrogations.

    This was started by the unconstitutional “Bush Preemption Doctrine” against mostly Democrats. In the coming years and decades, Trump supporters will be on the receiving end of these Jim Crow tactics. They were even back then and are still evil!

    Republicans started this “Deep State” – now they are focused on Trump supporters!

  4. When a company urinates all over you and then tells you its raining. Don’t expect the customers to return to pay for the next shower.

  5. Disney’s SEC statement is typical weasel tongue – the language of con men, politicians, banksters, etc.
    Really it’s “consumers aren’t accepting our products.”
    Notice the word salad of big words. Who writes this stuff, an AI?

    And the gaslight word “perception” is thrown in for good measure. According to them, it’s not the reality of their goals that we disagree with, it’s our perception as if we can’t perceive reality (or their agenda) properly.

  6. If you don’t play the game, Disney, Annheiser Busch, Target, et al, you get blackballed at the BlackRock/Vanguard gravy trough. Getting blackballed from the $22T+ pair and more with their other conspirators is a death sentence. So, AB has to lose $15B of market cap from woke policies so BR and the global control freaks can get their controlled society of sheep. Does not matter to BR and Vanguard and others at the top of the pyramid because they own the competitors to each and everyone one of these. Great, everyone buys more Modelo owned beer instead. Same people make out. Everyone get it now? Until these basic underpinnings are spoken of openly and we all buck them nothing will change.

  7. Jonathan: Who were some of the people DJT pardoned in the last days of his administration? This is important because it demonstrates how DJT will misuse the pardon pardon if he becomes president again. Just 2 days before Christmas 2020, DJT pardoned some of his closest allies—Paul Manafort, Roger Stone (who you discussed in a previous column) and Jared Kushner’s father, Charles Kushner.

    In 2005 the elder Kushner was sentenced to 2 years in prison on tax evasion and making illegal campaign donations. When he discovered he was being investigated by the Feds and his brother-in-law was a cooperating witness, Charles tried to intimidate him. He hired a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law and secretly recorded the encounter. He then showed the video to his brother-in-law’s wife. A real sordid character. But DJT sympathized with another guy’s tax evasion problems and so he pardoned his son-in-law’s father. Another case of the abuse of the pardon power.

    Now Rolling Stone is reporting on another sordid character DJT pardoned just before leaving office. His name is Jonathan Braun. Braun was convicted of running a vast marijuana ring and was serving a 10 year sentence at the time of DJT’s pardon. At the time of the pardon the Feds were negotiating with Braun over his involvement in the predatory merchant cash advance business. Braun was accused of making violent threats to 8 people who had borrowed money from him. The DJT pardon stopped that investigation. Shortly after the pardon and Braun was released from prison he was banned from making loans in NY by AG Letitia James. Yes, that Letitia James. And it turns out Braun had connections to the Kushner family. Braun’s father, Jacob Braun, reached out to Jared Kushner’s father who facilitated the DJT pardon.

    So why is the Braun case important? DJT has publicly said that if re-elected he will pardon the J. 6 9 insurrectionists and the higher ups–like Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman and others who may be convicted over their attempts to overturn the 2020 election. DJT has and will continue to abuse the pardon power, attempt to obstruct justice and reward his allies and co-conspirators. That’s another reason DJT should never see the inside of the WH ever again!

    1. “This is important because “

      No, its not, nincompoop. It has not one iota of impact on the average american. Nice try.

    2. Paul and Roger were political prosecutions. They deserved to be pardoned. The violent j6 ers, though guilty received way too harsh a sentence. The ones who just walked near the Capital or went in to try and find a bathroom deserve to be pardoned for the political prosecutions.

    3. Spend an hour looking into Clinton’s pardons and report back (spoiler: you’ll find a retched hive of scum and villainy.). If you don’t realize your standard politician has 10x the skeletons in their closets, you’re blind. J6 was an inside job perpetuated by like-minded leftists in the gov and the intelligence apparatus. The majority of American now understands this now. You’re on the outside looking in. Seems you’re just another infected by TDS.

    4. Dennis please spare me the pearl clutching over President Trumps Pardons. You want to be truthful????? Why not list some of the creeps that Obama and Clinton and Bush pardoned? Oh yeah, because they were convicted VIOLENT CRIMINALS.

  8. Even when that invisible hand slaps them across the face they still won’t woke up. I wonder if they’ve put their mouse where the sun don’t shine will they ever admit the pain? Step right up. Mickey brand lubricant one tube for one hundred dollars. Get yours while they last and whistle a happy tune.

  9. There’s a woke smokey double cheese burger, an order of fries and a coke that you can buy at McDonald’s for sixteen dollars and ten cents. Cancel the coke and add a Bud Lite for another five bucks and your up to twenty one dollars and ten cents for lunch. As an added entertainment Mulvany will be dancing from table to table at McDonald’s in order to increase your appetite. In addition you will receive a Joe Bidenomics coloring book absolutely free. You just don’t get it. Santa Claus is a just really a white and rich privileged oppressor of the poor and down trodden. In his day a sleigh like that would have cost a fortune and besides making those Reindeer pull that sleigh is animal cruelty. The Christmas tree will be banned because the word Christ is in its name. Have you had enough yet?

    1. TiT,
      I know I have had enough.
      Wife and I met up with a good friend for dinner last night. The cost of the food was the same. But was 1/3 the size.
      The one Chinese carry out restaurant, increased their prices but reduced the portion size by about 1/3. They closed recently.
      A local gas station, convenience mart that sells their own brand of ice cream, a pint has doubled in price.
      I am voting Republican no matter who is the candidate.

      1. In October 2023, while inflation amounted to 3.2%, while wages grew by 5.2%.

        GDP grew at an annualized rate of 4.9% last quarter (likely 2% for whole year).
        2.4 million non-farm jobs in the first 10 months of 2023.

        I will take those numbers.

        The soft landing (“immaculate disinflation”) should allow you as much soft serve as your heart desires.

        If you are unfamiliar with the term, perhaps read about it during your next ice cream indulgence: https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/economists-struggle-to-come-to-terms-with-immaculate-disinflation

        1. Weak snapshot. GDP is up because prices are up. And don’t confuse inflation and costs/ prices. They are still very high.

  10. The Invisible Hand Versus Biden’s Sleight of Hand

    On Monday: The economy is fine. On Tuesday: The economy’s bad, but it’s Trump’s fault.

    Inflation is down. Sure — from the bone-crushing levels of just six months ago.

    Gas prices are down. Sure — Now energy prices are only some 50% higher than they were under Trump.

    Unemployment is down. Sure — if you believe in cooking the books. That number is based on some 40% who are working *part-time*.

    Interest rates, which are now about *triple* what they were under Trump? Crickets.

    Bankruptcies and depleting savings? Crickets, yet again.

    Purchasing power, which has plummeted some 25% under Biden? More crickets.

    But it gets worse:

    “Rob Flaherty, a deputy campaign manager for Mr. Biden, said the campaign was working with content creators on TikTok in an effort to ‘amplify a positive, affirmative message’ about the economy.”

    In other words: Biden now has a team of influencers to help him evade reality, yet again.

    1. Sam,
      According to Bloomberg, Natural gas is up 29%, car insurance up 33%, major appliances up 12%, groceries up 25%, rent up 20%, restaurant food up 24% (Jan 2020-Oct 2023).
      Fast food inflation, chicken up 32%, burgers up 23%, pasta 14%, pizza up 17%.

      ‘Americans expect prices will climb at an annual rate of 4.5% over the next year, up from the 4.4% expected earlier in the month, according to the final November reading from the University of Michigan.’ https://t.co/Vo7z3oIDi6 pic.twitter.com/RX8B6XP1Bm
      — Jesse Felder (@jessefelder) November 22, 2023

      ‘Target CEO Brian Cornell said consumers were holding off from making many purchases until the last minute. For example, they didn’t buy winter clothing until the weather turned cold, classic recessionary behavior.’ https://t.co/p4b8RiGJht
      — Jesse Felder (@jessefelder) November 20, 2023

      “Reported average rejection rates for credit cards, auto loan, and mortgage loan refinance applications in 2023 exceeded those in 2022,” the New York Fed said.

      Buy Now Pay Later usage hit an all-time high on Cyber Monday, contributing $940 million in online spending, up 42.5% from last year, according to Adobe Analytics.

      While we talk about issues from 1stA, 2ndA, abortion, immigration, foreign policy etc. come election day, most Americans will vote with their pocket books in mind.

  11. Biden must go. There’s a lot at steak. I mean, if the price of meat keeps rising, we will have a Soylent Green situation soon. We can’t let that happen. The steaks are too high!

  12. Defying the laws of capitalism will meet with the same tragic results as defying the laws of gravity.

  13. Hands Closing Wallets

    Republican National Committee (RNC) Chair Ronna McDaniel blames the party’s relatively low donation amount for the 2024 election cycle on people “fully committed to their candidate right now.”

    The Washington Post on Monday reported that the RNC and other GOP operatives are concerned about the party’s finances less than a year before the next presidential election.

    The RNC disclosed that it had $9.1 million in cash on hand as of Oct. 30. That’s the lowest amount for the committee in any Federal Election Commission report since February, 2015.

    Edited From:


    Here Newsmax bases their article on a Washington Post story. And that WaPo story echoes a piece that appeared in Politico 2 months ago.

    Apparently big, conservative donors are pessimistic about Republican fortunes next year. No wonder! The leading candidate for the Republican nomination faces 91 felony counts. What could go wrong?

      1. Nerd, it’s more like part of the PROBLEM. Why bother giving to what might become a fiasco of a campaign year?

        1. Certainly, Democrats and their media allies would like to create “a fiasco.” But Trump has seemingly already surmounted his greatest challenges. No one outside the Democratic Party takes the lawfare seriously. And he continues to have sufficient funds despite all the legal expenses. His party opponents are falling away. Short of violence, including attempted assassination, nothing seems likely to stop him now.

      2. From this time in 2019 to now, Trump has gained between 6 and 10pts on Biden depending on the polls.

        Democrat left wing nut media narratives are slowly and inexoraby collapsing in the face of reality.

        Trump was spied on.
        Hunter Biden’s laptop is real
        The collusion delusion is fake.
        J6 was not an insurection.
        O7 was.
        Presidents are allowed to declassify documents at whim and giver them to whoever they want.
        Vice presidents are not.
        Fraud requires an actual lie – not a difference of opinion. It also requires being wrong, it aslo requires someone is harmed.

        It is increasingly evident that none of the attempts to handicap Trump are working.
        While Biden is doing a great job of doing himself in.
        And democrats have no plan B. If Biden continues – democrats lose.
        If he does not – Harris is near guaranteed to be the candidate and the loss is worse.

      3. That could be it for many but for others a total lack of confidence in the party adhering to their platform is the bigger issue. I don’t trust the RNC to organize, recruit, fund or govern on principles. And I have some basis for that opinion – in 2020 I placed 17000 phone calls for the party recruiting poll watchers and judges, conducting surveys. Only one person from the party noticed, a second term state representative. And RINOs control the state legislature.

    1. Or there waiting and seeing.

      Or democrats have inflicted a $hitty economy on us and there is not so much money sloshing arround.

      Or campaign donations do not make alot of sense right now – as Trump is getting massive free publicity from the lefts attacks on him,
      so why waste money

      Regardless, Some time ago we reached peak effectiveness of political money.

      It is likely that the candidate who spends $1M when his opponent spends $1 will win.

      While the candidate that spends $10M is not so certain to defeat the candidate who spends $1M

      Republicans have been outspent by democrats for a long, long long time.

      In some very specific cases it matters.

      In others it does not.

      Trump was outspent by both Biden and Clinton 2:1
      Both were razor tight elections.

      Regardless, look arround – do you think a bunch of adds is going to Save the democrats ?

    2. Try again, troll. Republican VOTERS are fed up with Porky McRomney, the RNC, and the RINOs to whom they will divert donations, so they will be donating directly to the candidates of their choice. Porky McRomney and the RNC are the PROBLEM, and the solution is direct funding to non-RINO candidates.

    3. Trump can eliminate most of those prosecutions when he becomes President by pardoning himself. The rest will be squashed over time.

      1. I agree 100%, once he’s in he can scrub the DOJ and FBI and provide the evidence for America to see of what these criminals perpetrated against a sitting President. Then he can have his AG prosecute them based on evidence of their crimes and treason. If or when found guilty they can spend the rest of their miserable lives in the DC gulag, one big happy Commie family. Why do you think they’re so frantic?!

    4. The base and their money hasn’t gone away. They don’t want to give to an organization, that like Disney, ignores its customers who are Trump supporters. Hopefully the invisible hand whacks Ronna McDaniel out of power soon

  14. Warning to “Agents Provocateur”:

    Violating federal statute Title 18 US Code 245 can land federal agents, front company folks and local cops in federal prison;). At minimum you will never hold government employment again!

  15. Jonathan: In this “age of rage”, as you call it, violence is breaking out all over the place. Rage leads to violence. And it’s not caused by “leftist radicals” or Antifa who you have called “the most violent group in America”.

    The latest violence occurred this weekend near the University of Vermont. A white man shot and severely wounded 3 college students–all of Palestinian descent. The DOJ is investigating the shooting as a “hate crime”. This follows an incident in Chicago last month where a landlord fatally stabbed a 6 yr old Muslim boy and seriously wounded his mother.

    Authorities don’t know the motive of the shooter in Vermont, Jason J. Eaton, age 48, who has been charged with 3 counts of attempted murder. But it’s clear Americans are taking sides in the Hamas-Israel war. And some, who side with Israel, think violence is justified to avenge the killing of Israelis and taking hostages. Eaton may be one. Maybe he heard Netanyahu declare: “We will wipe out this thing called Hamas” that “will be wiped from the face of the earth…We saw the wild animals. We say the barbarians that we are facing…”. Perhaps Eaton viewed the Palestinian students as just “wild animals” that needed to be eliminated. Even Palestinian students studying here are now viewed as a threat to Israel.

    But it is Biden administration’s policy to continue to support Netanyahu’s continued genocide in Gaza. Almost 15,000 innocent Gazan civilians have been killed-many women and children. Gaga now looks like a moonscape. The IDF is using its largest bombs to wipe Gaza “from the face of the earth”. Ethnic cleansing is Netanyahu’s goal. And some Americans think that is a good thing.

    1. Does this surprise you ?
      Left wing nuts are committing violence all over. You do not expect blowback ?

      Violence against jews is up 400% in the past month.
      It has ALWAYS been over 50% of all “hate crimes”.

      Absolutely we should be upset when people are targeted -because the are muslim, gay, trans, ….
      We should be upset when they are targeted because they are jews, or because they are whites, or because they are republicans.

      We should be upset when people are the victims of violence even where they are merely targeted because they are easy targets, or in the wrong place at the wrong time.

      After almost 40 years of declining violence – we have seen a sudden spike in violence.

      That should raise gigantic red flags. Where did that increase in violence start ? What changed that might have caused it ?

      The fergeson effect is well documented. Places were left wing activists stage protests against the police that turn violence see spikes in crime. That should not surprise us – when you foment hatred you get violence.
      There are with certainty bad police, and we can certainly work to do better. And I will join you in fighting against many bad policing ideas.
      But the FACT is that policing has in most everyway gotten far better over my lifetime – not worse.
      We are way way past the era of Bull Conner. Whether those on the left like it or not – there is very little data that ACTUALLY demonstrates evidence of systemic problems in our criminal justice system. There is no systemic racism. There are a FEW bad cops – some of which are also racist – though frankly they are rare. There is some racial bias in sentencing – especially driven by policies that the Black Caucus in Congress fought for. But I would bet that you are not aware that the disparity in sentencing between Crack and Cocaine is because black politicians and black community leaders urged a stronger response to crack because it was destroying their communities.

      Dereck Chauvin was nearly murdered in prison at the very moment in which much of the country is strating to grasp the truth that the left democrats and the media tried to hide for so long. Chauvin was essentially Lynched by a left wing nut vigalente mob inside and outside the government. Floyd died of a massive drug overdose – 3 times the fatal dosaged of BOTH Meth and Fentanyl – as well as high levels of many other drugs. Further he was a time bomb waiting to explode – he had 75% or greater blockage in two major arteries to his heart.
      There was ZERO evidence of asphyxia. The video footage was deceptive – we now have bodycam footage from other angles and Chavi’s knew was NEVER on Floyd’s neck – it was on his shoulder. The technique Chauvin was using was contra perjury by the Mineapolis cheif of police still being taught to MPD including sketches that look EXACTLY like what we saw on video. MRT has been used HUNDREDS of times with ZERO fatalities. Ofc. Kueng – also in jail called EMT;s within 30SECONDS of Floyds arrest – long before Floyd was restrained, because it was obvious he was suffering from a drug overdose. The EMT’s were 8 blocks away and took almost 20 minutes to arrive. Chauvin repeatedly asked where the EMT’s were. Prosecutors and witnesses LIED about MPD procedures and Policies. They Lied about MRT. They LIED about the autopsy. They LIED about even the possibility of asphyxia. We had a Hanging Judge and Jury that prejudged the case, and we had activists and Democrat politicians outside the courthouse threatening to burn the city down if they did not get the verdict they wanted.

      The odds of Chauvin or the other oficers that were sacrificed ever getting their lives back are zero. Immoral zealots like you have stolen their lives and their reputations.

      But the really big deal is not the injustice to Chauvin – it is the FALSE NARATIVE of the left.
      The purpose of Framing Floyd was to prove – whether actually true or not, This fake narative of systemic racism.

      To prove that idiot left wing nuts are correct and the country is racist to its core.

      Chauvin will not get justice – but YOUR ideology has ONCE AGAIN been proven a FRAUD.

      More J6 video – CP officers bringing in a J6 protestor in handcuffs and then removing the cuffs and fist bumping him and releasing him.
      Draw your own conclusions – mine is that this is likely a federal agent provateteur.
      Regardless, Like the Collusion Delusion. Like the Hunter Laptop fraud, Like the Ritenhouse attempted frameup, like the Chauvin Frameup,
      Like pretty much every other claim from the left – your J6 narative is going down in flames.

      There are legitimate debates over whether the violence at J6 was tiny or merely small. There is no debate at all that there was no insurection.

      There are debates about how MANY FBI and MPD officers were present. How many Antifa. How many federal assets.
      There is absolutely no debate that there was lots of infiltration of the crowd.

      There are debates about the extent to which these infiltrated incited violence. There is no debate that some did.

      The only question outstanding is exactly how BADLY you have lied.

      Regardless, you wonder why there is violence ?
      I noted the fergussen effect above. The left has also replaced prosecutors in major cities with left wing nuts who refuse to prosecute crime.
      And surprise surprise crime shot up.

      You are upset that someone stabbed a muslim. Are you not upset that thousands have died as a result of the lefts deliberate destruction of efforts to reign in crime.

      After the Floyd riots, After the Chauvin lynching – people are leaving law enforcement. MPD has lost almost 400 out of almost 900 oficers since Floyds death – and the Mineapolis crime rate is through the roof.
      Who is suffering ? Who is dying ? The very blacks that YOU claimed you were championing.

      Is it so hard for you to understand – that even if you were 100% correct – a systemically racist police force that has half the murders and violent crimes is superior to one in which hundreds more people die from violent crime ?
      You are wrong about the racism – but even if you were right – your answers could STILL be wrong.

      There are more ADDITIONAL murders in chicago alone that ALL people killed by police including all justified killings throughout the US in an entire year.

      If police killings are a problem – they are a tiny problem compared to the additional deaths YOU have created.

      And you are not even prepared to admit that your policies have failed. That people have been murdered as a result.

        1. “John: Your rants are using up too much oxygen on this blog.”

          That is because you require the comic book version for the answer. Try looking for a blog for ages 6-13.

          1. Who’s looking for an “answer”? Your silly-a$$ assumptions are on you. I merely made a valid observation.

            1. You weren’t making a valid observation. You were trying to demean another blog member who so happens to post valid material. You are a waste of time and should be sent to the recycle bin.

    2. The actual truth is we have no idea what the actual death toll in Gaza is – it has long been established that reporters within the palestinian controlled areas can not report the truth.

      That said absolutely palestinians are dying. That is what happens when you start a war.

      Oct 7 was genocide. Genocide actually means something. It means murdering people because of their race.
      It does not mean civilian causulties that occur during the justified response to acts of war and genocide committed against your people.

      The Taliban merely provided aid and comfort to Al Queda. The US war in Afghanistan resulted in a MINIMUM of 70,000 afghan civilian casulaties. Was that a Genocide ? Where were you ? We you protesting the US invasion of afghanistan from the start ?

      Lancet estimates there were over 600,000 civilians deaths as a result of the War in Iraq.

      Where were you ? Was that Genocide ?

      We can debate the whether the Israelis can do a better job of protecting palestinian civilins – while fighting a group that violates internation law that uses hospitals to store weapons and to garrison terrorists.

      The claim the Israelis are committing genocide merely proves you are bat schiff crazy.

      The IDF is on the record better at preventing civilian casualties than US forces are.

      In the Yom Kippur war the IDF encircled and isolated the entire Egyptian 8th army – 30,000 soldiers in the Sinai – a desert, without food and water. It was within the power of Israel to wipe the egyptian army off the face of the earth – without firing a shot.
      The result would have been the collapse of Egypt as a state.

      Israel has historically valued the life of arabs more highly than they value their own lives.

      As to the Palestinians – NO ON WANTS THEM. Jordan will not take them. Egypt will not take them. No Arab county – no muslim country – not even Iran will take them. Lebanon will not take them.

      They are violent terrorists – that is NOT the judgement of Israel – that is the judgement of all countries in the mideast.

      Increasingly many of those in Gaza and the west bank are not even palestinians. They are people who have come from elswhere – frequently to join jihad, or intefada, and discovered that after they had done so – no nation wanted them back.

      Of the actual palestinians – the sane rational ones left long ago.

      If Hamas layed down their weapons there would be peace.
      If Israel laid down their weapons there would be genocide.

      Today 20% of Israeli’s – not Gazan’s or West Bank are palestinians – 1.6M people. These have full rights of citizenship.
      The can vote and there are Paletinians in the Israeli government.

      To rational people that does not sound like genocide.

    3. “And some, who side with Israel, think violence is justified to avenge the killing of Israelis and taking hostages”

      Correct – that is LITTERLALLY international law.

      When you commit an act of war against another country – That nation is justified in going to war against you.
      War is violence.

      International law – the law of war also permits the killing of actually innocent civilians. It does not permit deliberately targeting civilians.
      It does allow KNOWINGLY killing civilians to acheive an important enough military objective.

      Nations at war are expected to minimize civilian casualites. A nation at war is permitted to knowling kill civilians – even large numbers for an important enough military objection.

      As an obvious example, The israelis would be justified in using incindiary bombs to destroy a hospital killing hundreds of civilians, if the enemy stored biological weapons or chemical weapons in that hospital and the only means to safely deal with them was incindiary bombs.

      Dennis you do not live in the real world.

    4. While Pres. Biden bears some responsibility for this war.
      I can detail the ways in which he brought this about – including destroying our relations with Saudi arabia and other arab nations and fawning over terrorist countries like Iran – who would have though that would end badly.

      But the most damning evidence is that Every president since Ford has inserted the US into foreign violence and war
      EXCEPT Trump.

      The statistical odds of that being random chance rather than actual differences in policy are very near zero.

      Regardless, we are i the midst of a radical shift – globally and within the nation – driven by the US LEFT.

      We have seen a radical change in violent crime – corresponding directly to changes in democratic policies in democrat controlled cities.
      We have seen an escalation of global tensions and war – wars the US is part of, and ones it is not.
      An escalation that is at odds with prior trends and again corresponds to policy changes by democrats.

      Everything that democrats touch turns to chaos and violence.
      That is not an accident.

    5. Dennis, I think John Say makes good points in his comments regarding genocide and justified violence and hope you will please consider them (I was the one who liked them). Thanks.

      1. I liked them too. Every point John Say made was right, everything Dennis says is left wing propaganda and Jew hatred. Only a Jewish state would be told to stand down after getting brutally attacked and fighting a declared war. Only Jews attract the attention of the so-called peace-movement. Only when Jews are killing Muslims does the world care.

        Dennis, sorry pal, but you are an anti-Semite.

    6. “Almost 15,000 innocent Gazan civilians have been killed-many women and children.”

      And you know this how?? Is numbnutsdennis.com where we should get our news now?

  16. When we’re done discussing economics at a legal blog, let’s all go over to a knitting blog to discuss hockey. Then we can gather at a physics blog to discuss poetry.
    Translation: If you listen carefully — especially to Turley’s hired trolls — you can hear this blog getting stupider by the minute.

    1. Economics is merely the study of human behavior in the context of exchange.

      In what world do you think law is independent of human behavior – especially economic behavior ?

      There are only two key differences between organized crime and ordinary business.
      The arbitrary determination of the law that one is legal and the other is not.
      And the fact that when you conduct business outside the law – violence is commonplace.

      Regardless, you can not separate law from economics – even a substantial portion of ordinary crime is still about economics.

      The rule of law, requires not merely studiously following the law as written.
      It also requires that law itself is limited to constraints that 90% of us would follow without the law.
      In otherwords law exists only in the domain of human behavior.

      Law that is in conflict with economics – will fail.

      1. “In what world do you think law is independent of human behavior”

        LOL — by your “reasoning,” lawyers would be experts on any subject within the realm of “human behavior.” That’s not actually how things work, although it IS what Turley would like you to believe.

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