In Fairness, Where Would Sitcoms Be Without Offices? -- See Also

We Need The Lovable Hijinks!: Kirkland is returning to an "office-centric" model because they need to know if Jim and Pam are going to get together. (Spoiler: they won't because they've never left their desks until COVID). Who? Me?: Jonathan Turley's mad at cancel culture and this time his target is Above the Law. OK. Didn't see that one coming. The Director's Cut Was Way Worse: Allegedly Trump tried to replace Bill Barr with John Ratcliffe. That would've been something! Helpful Tips: Here's what law students need to know.

We Need The Lovable Hijinks!: Kirkland is returning to an “office-centric” model because they need to know if Jim and Pam are going to get together. (Spoiler: they won’t because they’ve never left their desks until COVID).

Who? Me?: Jonathan Turley’s mad at cancel culture and this time his target is Above the Law. OK. Didn’t see that one coming.

The Director’s Cut Was Way Worse: Allegedly Trump tried to replace Bill Barr with John Ratcliffe. That would’ve been something!

Helpful Tips: Here’s what law students need to know.