Floating Down De Nile: Goldman Declares Hunter Biden Laptop May Be a Fake

As Stuart Smiley said on SNL’s Daily Affirmation, “De Nile ain’t just a river in Egypt.” Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman, a member of the House Weaponization of Government committee, caused yet another firestorm of controversy in declaring that the Hunter laptop may be a fake.

That’s right. Despite media, American intelligence, and even other Democrats acknowledging the authenticity of the laptop, Goldman is still spreading denials . . . at a hearing on the weaponization of disinformation policies.

Goldman has previously been criticized for making the case against President Joe Biden in disastrous efforts to discredit whistleblowers.

As in past hearings, the Democrats opposed witnesses who tried to detail the growing evidence of a government-directed censorship system. Members like Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands) continued to deny that there was any evidence of such censorship after spending years opposing the investigation of the program. Even with thousands of pages of evidence and a federal judge finding an “Orwellian” censorship system, Plaskett and her colleagues simply denied that such evidence exists.

However, it was Goldman who stole the show in an exchange with  journalist Michael Shellenberger. Shellenberger referenced the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story before the election, a decision that Twitter and other companies now admit was wrong.

However, truth has never been a particularly appealing option for politicians, particularly when it must come with an acknowledgment of past culpability in spreading disinformation.

Recently, we discussed how Leon Panetta also doubled down recently on the claim that the laptop may still be Russian disinformation.

Goldman also opted for denial and distraction over honesty and transparency.

He told Shellenberger: “You’ve talked about the Hunter Biden laptop, and how the FBI knew it existed. You are aware, of course, that the laptop, so to speak, … that was published in the New York Post, was actually a hard drive that the New York Post admitted here was not authenticated as real…It was not the laptop the FBI had. You’re aware of that right?”

Shellenberger responded: “It was the same contents.”

Goldman shot back: “How do you know? You would have to authenticate it to know it was the same contents.”

Shellenger responded: “Are you suggesting the New York Post participated in a conspiracy to construct the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop?”

Goldman: “No, sir, the problem is that hard drives can be manipulated by Rudy Giuliani or Russia.”

Shellengberger: “But what’s the evidence that that happened?”

Goldman: “Well, there is actual evidence of it. But the point is, it’s not the same thing.”

Goldman then concluded with the bizarre claim that “I’m glad you agree with me, Mr. Shellenberger, that transparency is the most important thing.”

Goldman has yet to produce the “actual evidence” that the hard drives were changed by Giuliani or Russia.

Before the election, many of us noted that the files on the laptop were easily authenticated and were confirmed by the other parties involved in some of these exchanges.  Since then the most damaging emails and messages have been authenticated and are not being denied by the Bidens.

There is of course a term for such conspiracy theories used by Democrats to justify censorship: disinformation. Indeed, the Biden Administration is seeking the censorship of true information deemed “malinformation.”

As someone raised in a liberal, politically active Democratic family in Chicago, it is distressing to see the party continue the push for censorship and blacklisting. However, the effort to deny the authenticity of these emails is particularly chilling. The transfers of millions to the Biden family and related meetings have now been confirmed by witnesses, including some questioned by Goldman.

The fact that Goldman used a hearing on the weaponization of disinformation policies to spread disinformation is crushingly ironic.

This is why floating down “de Nile” remains one of the most treacherous paths in the world.

141 thoughts on “Floating Down De Nile: Goldman Declares Hunter Biden Laptop May Be a Fake”

  1. One thing about disk drives. It is a LOT easier to duplicate a drive than to copy some files.

    A simple $40 device will make precise duplicates in minutes, indistinguishable in content from the original.

    1. Thanks, good info. I was just thinking about the fact that we have the stupidest voting cohort in American history. Have a Lefty make a statement and 80 million dumbasses will believe that statement.

  2. I may be young, thin and wealthy but I’m not. Same for Hunter’s laptop. It might be a fake but it’s not.

  3. The Democrats like Goldman are only a part of the disinformation / brainwashing of society. The Democrats now lie to your face and yet the RINOS still treat them as colleagues with whom they can reason. The big plan is this: the globalists want to control society by controlling information. AI is the culmination of this. AI is a liberally biased system that will control the defense and other policy decisions made. The trouble is that AI is valueless and our children will never know true facts from leftist lies. Google search has been shown to be an information manipulator just like Goldman. Liberals want to define what “ truth” is based on an algorithm and Goldman is just an example of how AI will work. Garbage in, garbage out. In Goldman’s case, he is literally garbage

  4. I do find it interesting that there are more than 200 Democrats in Congress.
    Yet, MSM seems eager to repeatedly focus on what Goldman has to say…
    Is it his pretty face? His learned and accomplished curriculum vitae?

    1. Stop whining. One would think Rep. George Santos was the sole member of Congress to be a liar. Besides, Dan Goldman, a lawyer, is a former legal adviser to Rep. Adam Schiff during the Russian hoax, the Mueller witch hunt, the illegitimate Ukraine impeachment investigation, and the ongoing cover up scandal. How anyone can be so obtuse in the face of overwhelming evidence. Shame on you!

  5. Thank you, Prof. Turley.. for your masterly calling out of Rep. Goldman.. who always looks like a deer caught in the headlights when he spins his untruthful mal/mis/disinformation… Goldman even does a better job at it than Rep. Jeffries…

    1. Goldman even does a better job at it than Rep. Jeffries…

      Evil will always be with us. Trials, temptations, anxiety are part of our existence.
      St. Augustine however provides excellent counsel for us today, >1,600 years after he wrote it.

      From a sermon by Saint Augustine, bishop
      (Sermo 256, 1.3.4; PL 38, 1191-1193)

      Let us sing alleluia to the good God who delivers us from evil

      Let us sing alleluia here on earth, while we still live in anxiety, so that we may sing it one day in heaven in full security. Why do we now live in anxiety? Can you expect me not to feel anxious when I read: Is not man’s life on earth a time of trial? Can you expect me not to feel anxious when the words still ring in my ears: Watch and pray that you will not be put to the test? Can you expect me not to feel anxious when there are so many temptations here below that prayer itself reminds us of them, when we say: Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us? … And yet, brothers, while we are still in the midst of this evil, let us sing alleluia to the good God who delivers us from evil.

      Even here amidst trials and temptations let us, let all men, sing alleluia. God is faithful, says holy Scripture, and he will not allow you to be tried beyond your strength. So let us sing alleluia, even here on earth. Man is still a debtor, but God is faithful. Scripture does not say that he will not allow you to be tried, but that he will not allow you to be tried beyond your strength. Whatever the trial, he will see your through it safely, and so enable you to endure. You have entered upon a time of trial but you will come to no harm – God’s help will bring you through it safely. You are like a piece of pottery, shaped by instruction, fired by tribulation. When you are put into the oven therefore, keep your thoughts on the time when you will be taken out again; for God is faithful, and he will guard both your going in and your coming out.

      So, then, my brothers, let us sing now, not in order to enjoy a life of leisure, but in order to lighten our labors. You should sing as wayfarers do – sing, but continue your journey. Do not be lazy, but sing to make your journey more enjoyable. Sing, but keep going. What do I mean by keep going? Keep on making progress. This progress, however, must be in virtue; for there are some, the Apostle warns, whose only progress is in vice. If you make progress, you will be continuing your journey, but be sure that your progress is in virtue, true faith and right living. Sing then, but keep going.


        1. You are very welcome EDKM, OLLY, and the many lurkers who read these comments.

          Advent begins tomorrow. Exciting!

          There is a reason why Linus drops his blanket @ 0:39

            1. Likewise Cindy!

              Cease to do evil.
              Learn to do good,
              search for justice,
              help the oppressed,
              be just to the orphan,
              plead for the widow.
              – Isaiah 1

              Grant your faithful, we pray, almighty God,
              the resolve to run forth to meet your Christ
              with righteous deeds at his coming,
              so that, gathered at his right hand,
              they may be worthy to possess the heavenly kingdom.


              1. When reading that, one should realize why there was admonishment and hope.

                Paraphrase Yahshua: An ox knows its owner, and a donkey his trough. Israel doesn’t know, and its people do not consider it.

                In today’s terms, Americans do not know who or what they are and do not care. They pray to the idols of the left. However, Yahshuah predicts a brighter future for the people of Israel. Will there be a brighter future for America?

                  1. Thank you, Cindy. The Bible is pertinent to our times.

                    The Torah is about 3,500 years old, during which time the Jewish people, adherent to the Torah, survived destruction and diaspora many different times in history while their ancient captors disappeared. The tribes of Israel that did not adhere to the Torah disappeared, but those of Judah did not and survive today in Israel, the US, and elsewhere.

                    Without any religious connotation, the American Constitution is similar to the Torah in many ways. It states how people must act to survive, and as Adams and others said, its continuation lies in the hands of a moral people, without which the Constitution dies, as does the America we know. We had our wars and our divisions, including the Civil War, but America survived because the Rule of Law and the Constitution remained intact.

                    Today, one can question the survival of America and the Constitution because we are faced with an immoral group of people who can destroy but are unable to build. They do not follow the reasonable ethical principles developed over the millennium. It is those time-tested ideas that survive.

                    One need not have any religious beliefs to find out why the Jews survived and others didn’t. The survival of the Jews is well documented in the Torah, Gemorrah and elsewhere, no matter what beliefs one holds. That history can create a tried and proven pathway for the success of America or its failure, which can be found in the lost tribes, the Assyrians, the Persians, the Romans, and many others.

                    I place my political faith in America because I believe, like the Jews, there are enough moral people who can turn things around so that America can be the guiding light of the political world, like the Jews are in the religious world.

  6. ” . . . hard drives can be manipulated by Rudy Giuliani or Russia.” (Goldman)

    Or by Martians. Or by the voices in his head.

    Whatever is lower than evasion and the attempt to excuse evil — that’s them.

  7. Off topic. I see officer Chauvin was stabbed 22 times by a BLM supporter who use to be an FBI informant. Whitey Bulger use to be an FBI informant.

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