Everyone's Getting Smacked -- See Also

On Stage: Will and Chris, naturally. By Reality: That whole "Yale Law School free speech controversy"? Turns out accounts of protesters shouting down speakers were heavily exaggerated. Even the dean -- who concludes against the protesters -- supports this less sensationalist statement of facts. In Court: John Eastman's over-aggressive privilege claims ended with a court ruling that he triggered the crime-fraud exception working with Donald Trump. As A Functioning Democracy: Recusal? Just because my wife is a fact witness? Hardly. In Firms: In this case, we mean "smackeroonies" as more firms announce raises. Haynes and Boone, Jones Day, and Wilkinson.

Slap text in comic splash iconOn Stage: Will and Chris, naturally.

By Reality: That whole “Yale Law School free speech controversy”? Turns out accounts of protesters shouting down speakers were heavily exaggerated. Even the dean — who concludes against the protesters — supports this less sensationalist statement of facts.

In Court: John Eastman’s over-aggressive privilege claims ended with a court ruling that he triggered the crime-fraud exception working with Donald Trump.

As A Functioning Democracy: Recusal? Just because my wife is a fact witness? Hardly.

In Firms: In this case, we mean “smackeroonies” as more firms announce raises. Haynes and Boone, Jones Day, and Wilkinson.
