The Supreme Court today announced its 2024 calendar. Tracking a May administrative order, Merrill Balassone’s news release says, “The court will resume its practice of hearing oral argument in courtrooms around the state, after completing technology upgrades in each location to facilitate livestreaming. Oral argument sessions will be held in San Francisco (in January, March, May, September, and November); Sacramento (in February); and Los Angeles (in April, June, and December).”

It will have been four years since the court heard arguments in Los Angeles or Sacramento.

“The court is also renewing its practice of hosting a special outreach session yearly in October. These sessions are attended by high school students and their teachers as an opportunity to learn about the judicial process.” There was a special outreach session in San Diego in June.

The only difference between 2024 arguments and pre-pandemic practice is that counsel will have the option of participating remotely.


Homebodies . . . at least for a while longer

Court of Appeal arguments in the Supreme Court’s Sacramento attic